Engrand Leprince

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Engrand Leprince († around 1531) was a French glass painter of the Renaissance . He was the most famous member of a stained glass workshop in Beauvais that operated from 1491 until the 1560s.

Leprince's workshop

Stained glass window from the Saint-Vincent church in Rouen

The oldest surviving glass painter in the family workshop, Lorin Leprince, is mentioned for the first time in 1491. Jean and Engrand followed in the next generation. Orders are documented for Jean Leprince from 1496 to 1538, for Engrand from 1520 until his death around 1531. Nicolas and Pierre continued the workshop after the death of Engrand Leprince. In 1561, Pierre Leprince was commissioned to build a window in the Saint-Étienne church in Beauvais, where Engrand Leprince is buried.

Most of the windows from the Leprince workshop are preserved in Beauvais, in the Saint-Étienne church and in the Saint-Pierre cathedral . The churches of Aumale , Ménerval, Bourgtheroulde-Infreville , Gisors and Louviers were also equipped with windows by Engrand Leprince and his workshop. The stained glass windows that Engrand Leprince created for the Saint-Vincent church in Rouen , which was destroyed in 1944 , were installed in the newly built church of Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc on the market square.

Leaded glass window

Beauvais (60), église Saint-Étienne, baie n ° 5e.JPG
Root Jesse Window
Beauvais (60), église Saint-Étienne, baie n ° 6d.JPG
Last Judgment
Beauvais (60), église Saint-Étienne, baie n ° 12d.JPG
Childhood of St. Stephen and Tree of Life
Montmorency (Val-d'Oise) Saint-Martin7630.JPG
Window by Charles de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam in Montmorency
  • Window in the Saint-Etienne church in Beauvais
    • 1520: Lamentation of Christ
    • 1520/25: Root Jesse, the signature ENGR can be found on the sleeve of King Roboam's robe.
    • around 1522: Last Judgment
    • around 1534: childhood of St. Stephen and fountain of life
  • Window in the church of Sainte-Jeanne d'Arc in Rouen (originally in the church of Saint-Vincent in Rouen)
    • 1522/24: Triumph of Mary, with signature ELP
    • 1525/26: Scenes from the life of John the Baptist
    • around 1525: works of mercy


  • Dominique Foussard, Charles Huet, Mathieu Lours: Églises du Val-d'Oise. Pays de France, Vallée de Montmorency . Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Gonesse et du Pays de France, 2nd edition, Gonesse 2011, ISBN 978-2-9531554-2-6 , p. 220.
  • Guy-Michel Leproux: Vitraux parisiens de la Renaissance . Délégation à l'Action Artistique de la Ville de Paris (Ed.), Paris 1993, ISBN 2-905118-46-6 .
  • Elisabeth Pillet: Le vitrail à Paris au XIXe siècle. Entretenir, conserver, restaurer . Corpus Vitrearum France - Études IX, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes 2010, ISBN 978-2-7535-0945-0 .

Web links

Commons : Engrand Leprince  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files