Enrico Rampini

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Cardinal coat of arms Enrico Rampini

Enrico Rampini (* around 1390 in Tortona ; † July 4, 1450 in Rome ) was Archbishop of Milan and Cardinal . He was also called the Cardinal of Milan .


Little is known about Rampini's early life. At a young age he belonged to the clergy of Tortona and in 1413 also became bishop of his home diocese. In 1435 he took over the bishopric of Pavia before becoming Archbishop of Milan in August 1443. Rampini did particularly well in poor relief, which is why he was named Father of the Poor . On December 16, 1446, Pope Eugene IV. Rampini, who was close to the Milanese ruling house of the Visconti, accepted into the College of Cardinals as cardinal priest of San Clemente . After his participation in the conclave of 1447 , which Nicholas V elected as the new pontiff, Rampini was papal legate in Lombardy. Between 1447 and 1449 the cardinal often traveled back and forth between Milan and Rome. In 1450 he stayed again in Rome on the occasion of the Holy Year , where he also died. He was buried in his titular church, San Clemente.

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Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Dendorfer / Ralf Lützelschwab: The history of the cardinalate in the Middle Ages , Stuttgart 2011, p. 370, note 120
predecessor Office successor
Francesco Piccolpasso Archbishop of Milan
Giovanni Visconti