Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Studio Ninja Theory
Publisher Namco Bandai
Senior Developer Tameem Antoniades
composer Nitin Sawhney
United StatesUnited States October 5, 2010 October 8, 2010 Playstation 3, Xbox 360 Premium Edition : October 25, 2013 Windows, PlayStation 3
European UnionEuropean Union

platform Windows , PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360
Game engine Unreal Engine 3
genre Action adventure
Game mode Single player
control Mouse and keyboard, gamepad
medium Blu-ray , DVD-ROM , download
language Multilingual
Age rating
USK approved from 16
PEGI recommended for ages 16+

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is one of Ninja Theory developed and Namco Bandai marketed action adventure - video game . It was released in North America on October 5, 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

The story of the game is inspired by the book The Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en , one of the most famous stories in China. Unlike the original story, which was set in a fantastic version of ancient China, the game is set 150 years in a post-apocalyptic future. As a result of a world war, only the remnants of mankind and some still active war machines remain on earth. As in the original Chinese story, however, the story revolves around a person who forces a warrior to help and protect him, with many characters bearing the same names and roles as in the story.


The player takes on the role of Monkey from the third-person perspective , who masters various fighting movements and uses climbing skills to overcome obstacles. In combat, Monkey uses a staff that he can use in close combat, but also as a firearm, because the staff can fire projectiles. There are two types of projectiles for which ammunition can be found everywhere in the game world in the form of cylinders: the orange ones cause damage to the enemy, while the blue ones paralyze the enemy. Enemies appear in various forms of Combat Mechs . Some have shields and can only be damaged if previously stunned, while others cannot be stunned at all. Each of these 'Mechs must be fought with a specific tactic in order to be able to destroy them.

Certain mechs can also be used as weapons. Monkey performs a finishing move at the push of a button if the mech has already been sufficiently damaged and then, for example, throws an exploding enemy at other mechs or tears the weapon from a turret in order to use it itself. Defeated enemies leave behind glowing orbs that Monkey can use to improve attributes such as health and strength and learn new attacks. These spheres are also scattered around all levels and sometimes require careful exploration of the area to find them. Other abilities of Monkey are a force field that blocks a certain number of damage hits until it has to be recharged, and the cloud , on which he can glide over water and land like on a hoverboard . In addition to the fight, the gameplay focuses on climbing, in which Monkey climbs and jumps through and over ruins.

During the game, Monkey is accompanied by the character Trip , who has to be escorted and protected by him during the journey. Monkey has a device in the form of a headband attached to his head that connects him to Trip. If it is killed, the monkey dies too. Even if he strays a little too far from her, it can end in his death. However, Trip also has some skills that come in very useful on the journey and are performed at the command of the player. Trip scans the immediate area for hazards such as landmines and enemies. The scanner also recognizes whether the opponents are in so-called standby mode. In this mode the enemies can be bypassed and the fight avoided. Trip can also temporarily project a hologram, which she uses to divert the attention of the enemy from Monkey.

If Trip is attacked, she can first defend herself by stunning the enemy. But if another attack follows, she dies immediately. Monkey has to defend Trip against opponents because she is almost helpless on her own. But precisely because it is not as athletic as Monkey, it is very useful in some climbing passages, as it can crawl through narrow spaces and the Monkey can throw it over abysses that cannot be overcome otherwise. She can then operate switches and make sections accessible to Monkey. In other areas that only Monkey can climb or jump to, Monkey Trip helps by, for example, transporting you to areas inaccessible to you while sitting on your back. With this principle and the strengths and weaknesses of each character, the player solves switch and environment puzzles in order to advance in the game.


Enslaved is set 150 years in the future, when a world war ravaged the earth and destroyed much of the human race. The world is infested with robots, which, although from a long ago era, still follow their programming and want to exterminate humanity completely. The game begins with the main character Monkey, who wakes up in a cell on board a slave flying ship just before it crashes. He and a woman he does not know can escape using an escape capsule. But when he regains consciousness after an unplanned hard landing, he finds out that this woman named Tripitaka, called Trip, has put a slave headband on him, which forces him to obey her orders. Trip explains that she wants to return to her home village and that she needs his help. Monkey is furious but does as she says, promising to release him as soon as they reach the village. The two travel through New York City and to the crash site of the flight ship, as Monkey hopes to find his motorcycle there. On the way there, disturbances in the headband cause him visions of life before the war.

After reaching the crash site, they make the rest of the way on Monkey's motorcycle. When they reach Trip's village, however, it is overrun with 'Mechs and most of the residents are dead. After liberating the village, Monkey and Trip break into the security room where they suspect survivors, but discover only Trip's dead father. Trip breaks her promise to Monkey and refuses to take the headband off, as she suspects that all the villagers are dead and that she no longer has a home. She wants to find the responsible person and kill them. Together with Monkey, Trip seeks out a friend of her father's named Pigsy, from whom she hopes for help. Pigsy agrees to join them and explains that a gigantic and incredibly powerful weapon called a Leviathan is stored in a mech base. The three of them follow a junk ship in a flying vehicle, which leads them directly to the base where the Leviathan is kept. They infiltrate the base, bring the Leviathan under their control and steer it towards the pyramid where the slaves are held. On the way, Trip apologizes to Monkey for breaking her promise and deactivates the headband. But Monkey asks her to turn it on again.

When the Leviathan reaches the pyramid, they are confronted with several gigantic 'Mechs. The Leviathan can fend them off for the time being, but then one of the robots climbs on top of it and destroys its main cannon, forcing Monkey to destroy the mech with his own hands. The Leviathan is now defenseless and surrounded. Pigsy makes it clear to them that the only way to defeat the other 'Mechs is to overload the Leviathan's machines and blow them up. Pigsy would also be killed in the process. Trip tries to convince him not to do it, but Pigsy asks Monkey to get her out of the detonation radius and Monkey agrees. You manage to escape from the Leviathan before it explodes and destroys all the Mechs with it.

In the epilogue, Monkey and Trip enter the pyramid and discover that the "slaves" are under the control of a single person. The man introduces himself as a pyramid and explains that he lived before the world war and that he offers the "slaves" consolation from the cruel world by sharing with them his fond memories of a better time before the war. He believes he is protecting them and begs Monkey and Trip not to take what he gave them. Monkey recognizes the memories as the visions he has seen over and over since he put on the headband. Pyramid shows Monkey his parallel world by asking him to put on a mask. Monkey is enchanted by the images he sees through the mask, but Trip disconnects by killing Pyramid, shutting down the system and freeing the slaves. The story ends with Trip asking Monkey if she did the right thing.


The story of the game was written by Alex Garland . Andy Serkis was responsible for the motion capturing , but also took over the English dubbing of the characters Monkey and Pyramid. The composer of the soundtrack is Nitin Sawhney .

Additional content

Additional content entitled Pigsy's Perfect 10 is available and contains a narrative thread with the secondary character Pigsy apart from the main plot, which can be played completely independently of this. If the player has an appropriately modified television, the additional content also enables Enslaved to be played in 3D .

Work on additional content, such as a multiplayer mode, was discontinued due to the lack of commercial success.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.computerbild.de/artikel/cbs-News-PS3-Xbox-360-Enslaved-Odyssey-to-the-West-Namco-Bandai-Veroeffassungstermin-5396344.html
  2. ^ Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is Now Available Nationwide - IGN. Accessed January 7, 2020 (English).
  3. http://www.play3.de/2012/02/15/enslaved-multiplayer-ableger-wegen-verkaufszahlen-verworfen/