Entoloma subg. Pouzarella

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Entoloma subg. Pouzarella
Alder-hair red rot Entoloma dysthaloides

Alder-hair red rot Entoloma dysthaloides

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Red bloom relatives (Entolomataceae)
Genre : Red rot ( Entoloma )
Subgenus : Entoloma subg. Pouzarella
Scientific name
Entoloma subg. Pouzarella
( Mazzer ) Noordel.

Entoloma subg. Pouzarella is a subgenus of the genus of the red rot , which is divided into the two sections Dysthales and Versatilia . Because of the very fibrous, scaly or hairy surface of the hat, the species in this group are also called felt or hair red blooms .

The type species is Entoloma nodospora .


The fruiting bodies have a helming- like or cracked mushroom shape. The hat color remains unchanged when drying (not hygrophan ). The hat skin ( Pileipellis ) is usually very fibrous and scaly or hairy, sometimes with a strong metallic sheen. The lamellas are predominantly dark gray in color. The stem has a fibrous, hairy or scaly surface. The pigment is encrusting , rarely also dissolved in the cell sap (intracellular). The transverse walls ( hyphae septa ) of the fungal threads ( hyphae ) do not have buckles .

The representatives of Ug. Pouzarella have such a striking combination of characteristics that the group is often viewed as a separate genus. However, the Dutch rötling specialist Machiel Evert Noordeloos sees a transition between the two Ug when the species from the Canosericei and Fernandae sections are compared . Nolanea and Pouzarella . In addition, there are also non-European species that are intermediate. Therefore he sees Pouzarella better placed in the genus Entoloma .


Section Pouzarella

Dark- leaved red
ridge Entoloma dysthales

The fruit bodies of the Pouzarella section have hats and stems with thick-walled, seta-shaped or septate, encrusted hair. The pigment is exclusively encrusting. If sterile elements (cheilocystidia) occur at the lamellar edges, they are club-shaped to vesicular and sometimes structured like a chain.

Versatilia section

The hat and stem do not have septate and encrusted hair. The pigment is intracellular and encrusting. There are wide bottle-shaped cheilocystids on the lamellar edges.

Kind with unclear position

Individual evidence

  1. Machiel Evert Noordeloos : Entoloma sl (Supplement) . In: Fungi Europaei . 5A. Edizioni Candusso, Alassio 2004, ISBN 88-901057-4-7 .
  2. Erhard Ludwig: Descriptions. The larger genera of the Agaricales with colored spore powder (except Cortinariaceae) . In: Mushroom Compendium . tape 2 . Fungicon, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-940316-01-1 , p. 293-294 .
  3. Machiel Evert Noordeloos : Entoloma s. l. In: Fungi Europaei . tape  5 . Edizioni Candusso, Alassio 1992.