Erhard Schön

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Erhard Schön: Portrait of Albrecht Dürer
Træsnit 'Theuerdank'
Thank you very much

Erhard Schön (* around 1491 in Nuremberg ; † between September 20 and December 20, 1542 there ) was a German draftsman and wood cutter .


Schön was born in Nuremberg as the son of the painter Marx Schön III. born. He probably learned the arts in his father's workshop. He was clearly influenced by Albrecht Dürer's way of making printing plates. He could have made a few woodcuts for Dürer's works The Triumphal Arch (1515) and Theuerdank (1517). In particular, the way in which Schön formed and placed figures is clearly based on Dürer's example. After Dürer's death, Schön made a woodcut of the artist.

Woodcut portraits were just one of the genres Schön worked with. He made printing plates according to demand and was a popular and sought-after artist. Around 1200 illustrations in 116 books and another 200 woodcuts are attributed to him. The first known work is a book with a series of woodcuts from 1513. Until 1524 he mainly illustrated religious books. Together with Hans Springinklee, he provided sophisticated illustrations for the prayer book Hortulus Animae in 1515 .

One of his best works is the shape of a large rosary from this period. From 1520 he created a number of polemical works in which he criticized Catholicism and extolled Lutheranism .

In the mid-1520s and early 1530s, these satirical works show influences from Barthel Beham , Sebald Beham and Georg Pencz. Then he expanded his repertoire with secular topics, still with a satirical tone. From 1530 he began to devote himself to classical subjects such as the judgment of Paris and Laocoon . In 1538 Christoph Zell from Nuremberg published a work on proportions in architecture and pictures.


Individual evidence

  1. a b The Grove Encyclopedia of Northern Renaissance Art . Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009, ISBN 978-0-19-533466-1 .