Erich Hoffmann (historian)

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Erich Hoffmann (born July 16, 1926 in Flensburg , † December 17, 2005 in Kronshagen ) was a German historian .

Erich Hoffmann came from a humanistic and Protestant family of pastors and teachers. His father was a senior teacher. Hoffmann passed his Abitur in January 1944 at the Flensburg Old High School . For health reasons he did not have to do military service. In the winter semester 1945/46 he began studying history, theology and geography at the University of Kiel . Hoffmann was an academic student of Karl Jordan . At Jordan he received his doctorate in the winter semester 1950/51 with a thesis on the origin of the bourgeoisie in the cities of the Duchy of Schleswig before the middle of the 18th century. In 1953 he passed the first state examination for higher teaching qualifications. Two years later he passed the second state examination. Hoffmann worked as a teacher at the Humboldt Gymnasium in Kiel from 1955 to 1969 . He returned to Kiel University as a senior teacher. His habilitation took place in 1972 on the ascension of the king and order of succession in Denmark up to the end of the Middle Ages. In 1976 he was appointed adjunct professor. He taught from 1978 to 1991 as the successor to Christian Degn as Professor of Schleswig-Holstein History at the University of Kiel. As an academic teacher, he supervised 19 dissertations. From 1979 to 2004 he was on the board of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History and was Deputy Chairman for twenty years.

Hoffmann submitted over 150 publications. In addition to the history of Schleswig-Holstein, his work focused on the medieval city history and the medieval history of Scandinavia. Hoffmann published important works on the history of Schleswig-Holstein during the Reformation and in the 17th century. He has also been working on the history of corporate representation and parliamentarism in Schleswig-Holstein since the 1980s. He presented relevant studies on questions of tribal formation, the legitimation of power and the Holstein “people's nobility”. Hoffmann was in lively exchange with Danish Medieval Studies . Hoffmann felt closely connected to his hometown of Flensburg and North Schleswig. This becomes clear in his work in the "Flensburg Working Group for Urban and Regional History" and his contributions to the history of the city of Flensburg and to the emergence of North Schleswig Germans. He worked closely with the medievalist Niels Skyum-Nielsen from Copenhagen . One result of this exchange was the comprehensive essay, Contributions to the Problem of the “People's Nobility” in North Elbingen and Denmark, which was published in 1975 in the journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History . Hoffmann was a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen and of the Commission for Classical Studies of Central and Northern Europe of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences . He was awarded the Schleswig-Holstein Medal of the State of Schleswig-Holstein and the Lornsen Chain of the Schleswig-Holstein Homeland Federation.

Fonts (selection)

A list of publications appeared in: Werner Paravicini (ed.) With the assistance of Frank Lubowitz and Henning Unverhau: Mare Balticum. Contributions to the history of the Baltic Sea region in the Middle Ages and modern times. Festschrift for Erich Hoffmann's 65th birthday. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1992, ISBN 3-7995-7069-1 , pp. 493-502.


  • Late Middle Ages and Reformation Era. In: Olaf Klose (Ed.) History of Schleswig-Holstein. Vol. 4/2, Wachholtz, Neumünster 1990.
  • Elevation of the king and order of succession in Denmark up to the end of the Middle Ages (= contributions to the history and source studies of the Middle Ages. Vol. 5). de Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 1976 (Partly at the same time: Kiel, University, habilitation paper, 1972).
  • The origin of the bourgeoisie in the cities of the Duchy of Schleswig (= sources and research on the history of Schleswig-Holstein. Vol. 27). Wachholtz, Neumünster 1953 (at the same time: Kiel, university, dissertation).


  • with Peter Wulf: “We are building the empire.” The rise and first years of National Socialism in Schleswig-Holstein (= sources and research on the history of Schleswig-Holstein. Vol. 81). Wachholtz, Neumünster 1983, ISBN 3-529-02181-4 .


  • Enno Bünz : Obituary Erich Hoffmann (1926–2005). In: Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte 139./140. Volume (2003/2004), pp. 1–5 ( digitized version )
  • Frank Lubowitz, Henning Unverhau: Erich Hoffmann July 16, 1926 - December 17, 2005. In: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History 131 (2006), pp. 7-14.
  • Werner Paravicini (ed.) With the participation of Frank Lubowitz and Henning Unverhau: Mare Balticum. Contributions to the history of the Baltic Sea region in the Middle Ages and modern times. Festschrift for Erich Hoffmann's 65th birthday. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1992, ISBN 3-7995-7069-1 .
  • Thomas Riis : In memoriam Erich Hoffmann. In: Christiana Albertina: Research and reports from the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 62 (2006), p. 58.

Web links


  1. Erich Hoffmann: Contributions to the problem of the “people's nobility” in Nordelbingen and Denmark. In: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History 100 (1975), pp. 25–81.
  2. ^ Frank Lubowitz, Henning Unverhau: Erich Hoffmann July 16, 1926 - December 17, 2005. In: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History 131 (2006); Pp. 7–14, here: p. 12.