Erich Langer (local poet)

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Erich Arno Langer (born August 30, 1882 in Thalheim ; † December 27, 1932 in Dresden ) was a German elementary school teacher and poet who came from the Ore Mountains and worked as a dialect and local poet in Dresden.


Langer came from the Saxon Ore Mountains . His father was the stocking manufacturer Karl Gotthilf Langer, who had a representative house built on Hauptstrasse in Thalheim around 1870, which later became the Erich Langer House . Erich Langer spent his childhood and youth in this building. Immediately next to it was his father's stocking factory.

After attending the teachers' college in Zschopau , he became a teacher at the elementary school in Leutewitz near Dresden in 1903 , where he worked until 1927.

Erich Langer took an early interest in poetry and began writing his first works while still at school. This also includes a poem of praise for his hometown Thalheim. Many of his poems appeared in book form in later years. Some of his homeland poems were also printed on song postcards and thus achieved a relatively high distribution. Among them, for example, his poem De schännste Zeit , written in the Ore Mountains dialect . Langers Dichtungen u. a. by Hugo Richard Jüngst and Max Welcker .

As a co-founder of the Leutewitzer Gesangsverein Liedertreue, he was its first chairman for 21 years and second chairman of the Elbgau-Sängerbund for ten years. Numerous publications in the Elbgau-Sängerzeitung and the newspaper of the German Singers 'Association come from his hand , and he wrote the festschrift for the 50th anniversary of the Saxon Elbgau Singers' Association. In the year of his death he published a consultant for German choral societies, which was widely used.


In 1934 Richard Schnauder created a cube-shaped memorial stone made of sandstone and erected it in memory of the local poet in the Leutewitzer Volkspark at the exit to Ockerwitzer Straße.

In 2007 a memorial stone for the local poet was erected in the city of Thalheim on the site of the Erich Langer House, which was demolished in spring 2004.

Works (selection)

  • Jubilation for the 50th anniversary of the Saxon Elbgau Singers Association , Albanus, 1914.
  • From a German heart , poems, Dresden, Verlag O. and R. Becker. Including his popular poem Am Elbstrom .
  • In quiet hours , n.d. and n.d.
  • The singer's treasure chest. A consultant for German choral societies. Ceremonial speeches, addresses, preambles and poems from the glory of the German song , Limpert, 1932.


  • Norbert Weiss, Jens Wonneberger: Poets, thinkers, writers from six centuries in Dresden . Verlag Die Scheune, Dresden 1997, p. 114.

Individual evidence

  1. Illustration of the song postcard
  2. Tom Henke: A large stone in Leutewitzer Park . In: Froschpost 2/2005, p. 8 ( online ).
  3. ^ Illustration of the memorial stone in the Deutsche Fotothek Dresden
  4. Thalheim's missing houses - Hauptstrasse 32 “Erich Langer's birth house”. In: Thalheimer Stadt Anzeiger , 4/2016, p. 11 ( online ).
  5. Also printed in: Bilder aus dem Sachsenlande , fourth volume, Dresden 1927, p. 212.