Erich Stockmann (lawyer)

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Erich Stockmann (born January 4, 1893 in Insterburg , † April 25, 1973 in Hanover ) was a German administrative lawyer and judge in East Prussia and Hanover.


Stockmann attended grammar school in Insterburg and studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In 1911 he became active in the Corps Masovia . In the First World War he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class. He entered the internal administration of the Free State of Prussia and came to the government in Gumbinnen as a government assessor in Germany's easternmost administrative district . In September 1928 he became provisional, in January 1929 he became district administrator in the Niederung district . He stayed in this post until 1945. Having fled and expelled Germans from Central and Eastern Europe to West Germany, he joined the justice service in Lower Saxony . He retired in 1958 as the social court director at the social court in Hanover . The old gentlemen's association of the Corps Palaiomarchia awarded him the ribbon in 1960.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 87/1000
  2. ^ Obituary in Corpszeitung der Altmärker-Masuren, No. 53, p. 1152. Kiel 1958
  3. ^ List of all members of the Corps Masovia 1823 to 2005 . Potsdam 2006.
  4. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 113/599