Ernest-Bernard Allo

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Ernest Allo , religious name Bernard-Marie Allo OP , also E. Bernard Allo , (born February 3 or 5, 1873 in Quintin , Côte-du-Nord, France; † January 19, 1945 in the Le Saulchoir convent in Étiolles , Essonne department , France) was a French Dominican and theologian and rector of the University of Friborg (Switzerland) .


Allo occurred on December 7, 1893, the Congregation of the Dominicans and put in on October 10, 1894 Amiens the vows from. From 1894 to 1900 he received his theological training in Corbara , Corsica, and Flavigny-sur-Ozerain , after which he completed a general course . On February 9, 1896, he received the typical tonsure . He made his profession on December 25, 1897 . On March 5, 1898 he was appointed sub-deacon ordained on June 5, the deacon and on 25 September for the priests .

From 1900 to 1904 he taught dogmatics in the Séminaire Saint Jean, the Chaldean seminary in Mosul , Iraq . From 1905 to 1930 he was professor of New Testament exegesis at the Université de Friborg in Friborg . He was dean and 1922–1923 rector of the university. From 1930 to 1938 he held the chair of history of religion and missiology held. In 1938 he retired.

Ernest Allo has published numerous books and academic papers. In 1941 he was from Pius XII. Appointed to the Pontifical Biblical Commission.


  • Etudes de philosophie et de critique religieuse Foi et systèmes , 1908
  • L'Évangile en face du syncrétisme païen , Bloud & Cie 1910
  • Les miracles de l'Évangile devant la critique contemporaine , Société d'études religieuses, 1920
  • Le travail d'après Saint Paul , 1921
  • Saint Jean: l'Apocalypse , J. Gabalda, 1921
  • Jésus-Christ et les plus récentes théories "historiques": discours prononcé le 15 Novembre 1922 à l'occasion de la rentrée solennelle des cours uníversitaires , Imprimerie de l'Oeuvre de Saint-Paul, 1922
  • Le philosophie grecque dans le Nouveau Testament , Institut supérieur de philosophie, 1922
  • L 'Evangile de Rena , Revue des jeunes: Desclée et Cie, 1925
  • Le scandale de Jésus , Bernard Grasset 1927, together with Maurice Brillant
  • L'Empire romain et l'Eglise , Fragnière, 1929
  • L'Apocalypse: Edition abrégée par le RP Lavergne, préface par le RP Allo , 1930, together with P. de Lavergne
  • Saint Paul Première épître aux Corinthiens; avec introduction, traduction et commentaire par le PE-B. Allo , 1934
  • Seconde épître aux Corinthiens , J. Gabalda 1937
  • Paul apôtre de Jésus-Christ , Cerf 1942
  • Evangile et évangélistes , Edition du Cerf 1944
  • L'Evangile spirituel de saint Jean, suivi de le Règne de Dieu et le Monde. , Cerf 1944
  • L'Apocalypse , Gabalda 1948
  • Saint Paul: première épître aux Corinthiens , Gabalda 1956
  • Saint Paul: seconde épître aux Corinthiens , Gabalda 1956


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Première épître aux Corinthiens" , (microfilm), viewed 22 June 2009