Ernst Gotthold Struve (medic, 1714)

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Ernst Gotthold Struve (* 11. April 1714 in Prenzlau , † November 10 . Jul / 21st November  1743 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a German physician.


Struve came from a not insignificant middle-class family. His father Ernst Gotthold Struve (born March 13, 1679 in Jena; † January 10, 1759 Prenzlau) was a doctor of medicine, royal Prussian rural physicist for the Uckermark and Stolp districts and a member of the Naturae Curiosorum academy. His mother was Dorothea Elisabeth († November 17, 1758 in Prenzlau), the daughter of the mayor of Brandenburg Konrad Ludwig Berchelmann. His grandfather was the lawyer Georg Adam Struve . Ernst Gotthold Struve, who had already achieved extraordinary achievements in early childhood, had gone through the schools in his hometown and attended the Latin school in Glaucha and Halle.

In 1731 he went to the University of Halle and attended lectures at the philosophical faculty with Siegmund Jakob Baumgarten . He found accommodation in the house of Johann Juncker . At an early stage he dealt with a study of the art of medicine, for which he attended the lectures by Johann Friedrich Cassebohm , Heinrich Bass and Johann Heinrich Schulze and the lectures on natural science and mathematics by Johann Joachim Lange . He soon moved into Hoffmann's house, with whom he was later to correspond. As a poet he had gained such fame in Halle that he was accepted as a member of the German Speaking Society in 1733. In 1735 he received his doctorate in medicine and in the same year obtained permission to read for universities in Halle.

In 1737 he became an associate professor of medicine and adjunct of the philosophical faculty at the University of Kiel . In 1738 he was promoted to the third full professor of medicine, in 1739 he was assessor at the newly established medical college in Kiel and in 1740 he was appointed to the chancellery by Duke Adolf Friedrich . He accompanied him in 1742 to the coronation of Elizabeth in Moscow, whose personal physician he was in Petersburg. After he took leave of absence in August 1743 in Kiel and Eutin for that time, among other things being appointed second professor of medicine in Kiel and a councilor of state, he completely relocated to Petersburg. In that year he was also accepted as a member of the Academia Naturae Curiosorum (Leopoldina) , with the name Euphorbius Secundus. However, he died after a short period in Russia.


Struve met on April 11, 1738 with his cousin Charlotta Magdalena (born June 2, 1717 in Jena; † 1756 in St. Petersburg), the daughter of the judiciary and professor of law at the University of Kiel Friedrich Gottlieb Struve (born November 12, 1676 Jena; † July 23, 1752 Kiel), married. After Struve's death, Carlotta married Johann Deodat Blumentrost (1676–1757). Struve's marriage resulted in three sons and two daughters. Known by the children are:

  • Ernst Friedrich Struve (born January 19, 1736 in Kiel; † October 7, 1806 Neustadt in Saxony)
  • Carl Ditlef August Struve (* July 1740 in Kiel; † July 1741)
  • Friedrich Gotthold Struve (born January 24, 1742 in Kiel, † September 19, 1813 Oldenburg)
  • Elisabeth Caroline Struve (born August 17, 1743 in St. Petersburg, † August 25, 1743 there)
  • Charlotte Amalie Struve (born August 17, 1743 in St. Petersburg, † September 4, 1743 ibid)


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