Ernst Haubold von Miltitz

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Ernst Haubold von Miltitz (born July 13, 1739 in Oberau , † March 6, 1774 in Pisa ) was a lieutenant colonel in the Elector of Saxony and governor of the Meißnian district , as well as an imperial-royal chamberlain and manor owner . He was a friend and patron of Christian Fürchtegott Gellert and an educator and sponsor of Johann Gottlieb Fichte .


He came from the family of the von Miltitz and was born with Henrietta Louisa von Schoenberg married (1741-1809). The later General Dietrich von Miltitz was their son. Major General Dietrich Alexander von Miltitz and Chamberlain Friedrich Sigismund von Miltitz were his two brothers.

Ernst Haubold von Miltitz inherited his father's manor in Oberau. He also owned the Siebeneichen estate. He took private lessons and embarked on a military and an administrative career, which he ended as a lieutenant colonel and governor in the service of the Elector of Saxony in order to enter the imperial service as chamberlain in the court in Vienna . As such, far away from his homeland, he was called "Baron von Miltitz" . He died in 1774 at the age of 35 in Pisa, where he had gone to cure because of his persistent illness, and was buried in Livorno . Only three months later, his only daughter died in Oberau.

Heinrich Ulrich Erasmus von Hardenberg was appointed guardian of Dietrich von Miltitz after the early death of his father in 1775 and stayed in Oberau for this purpose. It is not known whether his eldest son, Novalis , who was born in 1772, accompanied him there . Dietrich von Miltitz and Novalis became friends and Novalis called his mother Aunt Miltitz .

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Individual evidence

  1. The actual elevation to the baron status of the Scharfenberg line did not actually take place until 1885.