Ernst Julius Leichtlen

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Ernst Julius Leichtlen (born March 4, 1791 in Emmendingen , † April 2, 1830 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a Baden historian and archivist .


Leichtlen was the son of the senior secretary of Emmendingen, Christoph Magnus Leichtlin, who later became general registrar at the Baden Ministry of Finance in Karlsruhe. Julius Leichtlen attended grammar school in Karlsruhe and then took up a position in the administration of the Gottesaue domain , while also writing a chronicle of the Benedictine abbey Gottesaue, which was published in 1810. His historical interest motivated him to change his job and to devote himself to archival and history studies , which he studied for three years at the universities of Heidelberg and Göttingen . During his studies, Leichtlen also published on historical topics. In 1815 he got a position at the General State Archives in Karlsruhe and in 1817 he switched to the Provincial Archives in Freiburg as archive registrar. Here he became archivist in 1819 and took over the management of the provincial archives. He held this position until his death.

Leichtlen was a founding member of the Society for the Promotion of History in Freiburg in 1826 .

Leichtlen died in 1830 a few months after his wedding. Posthumously , Karl Zell published Leichtlen on the Zähringer , with the printing being financed by Grand Duke Leopold of Baden .


From 1818 to 1825 some of his historical works appeared in the series Research in the Fields of History, Antiquity, Linguistics and Literature in Germany. In addition to historical works, he also wrote three guides in his series of non-profit art books and a textbook on shorthand . An incomplete directory of his works can be found on Wikisource. He also published a number of articles in the supplement to the Freiburger Zeitung .


Leichtlen was made an honorary citizen by the city of Breisach am Rhein for his services in setting up the city archives, and the philosophy faculty of the University of Freiburg awarded him a doctorate.


Web links

Wikisource: Ernst Julius Leichtlen  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. see Weech
  2. see Karl August Ferdinand von Wechmar: Handbook for Baden and his servants or directory of all Baden servants from the year 1790 to 1840, with addendum up to 1845. Heidelberg 1846, p. 178 digitized
  3. see publications of the Society for the Promotion of History to Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg i. Br. (1828), p. VIII digitized