Ernst Langheinz

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Ernst Ludwig Gustav Adolf Langheinz (born May 18, 1894 in Darmstadt , † March 8, 1972 in Mannheim ) was a German theater actor.

Live and act

Langheinz attended the Ludwig-Georgs-Gymnasium in Darmstadt before he attended the Reichersche Hochschule für Dramatic Kunst in Berlin . He studied there from 1912 to 1913 before making his debut in A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Stadttheater in Hagen in 1913 . He was employed in Hagen until 1914, after which he went to Königsberg for a year before joining the First World War as a soldier in 1915 .

From this he returned in 1918 and began in 1919 as a character comedian at the Landestheater in Darmstadt . Langheinz had been working in Darmstadt since 1920 under the artistic director Gustav Hartung , who had previously only been appointed from Frankfurt am Main . However, he could not cope with Hartung's style, which is why in 1924, on the recommendation of his friend Heinz Dietrich Kenter , he moved to Francesco Sioli at the National Theater Mannheim . It only blossomed at the National Theater and was always extremely popular with the audience. In the 35 years that he was still active in Mannheim, he played with Bum Krüger , Raoul Alster , Ida Ehre and Willy Birgel , among others . The last time he performed was in 1959.

For his services he was awarded, among other things, the Schiller plaque of the city of Mannheim and the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class .

supporting documents

  1. ^ Herbert A. Frenzel , Hans Joachim Moser (ed.): Kürschner's biographical theater manual. Drama, opera, film, radio. Germany, Austria, Switzerland. De Gruyter, Berlin 1956, DNB 010075518 , pp. 415-416.
  2. ^ Cooperative of German Stage Members (Ed.): German Stage Yearbook. Theater history year and address book. 81st year 1973 - season 1972/73. Bühnenschriften-Vertriebs-Gesellschaft, Hamburg 1973, p. 100