Ernst Ruickoldt

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Ernst Emil Christian Ruickoldt (born September 9, 1892 in Weimar , † October 8, 1972 in Rostock ) was a German pharmacologist , professor and rector of the University of Rostock .


Ernst Ruickoldt was the son of the physician Wilhelm Ruickoldt (1849–1915) and his wife Marta (1855–1940), née Schenk. He passed his school leaving examination in Weimar in 1911. He then completed a degree in medicine at the Universities of Munich and Göttingen . He interrupted his studies from 1914 to 1918 because he was doing military service as a volunteer after the outbreak of the First World War. As a battalion doctor, he was taken prisoner by the British in 1918. After his release, he continued his medical studies, which he completed in Munich in 1920 with the state examination and where he was approved in the same year . After completing his internship at the University Children's Hospital in Munich, he was promoted to Dr. med. does his doctorate and completed his pediatric specialist training. In the same year he moved to the University of Rostock, where he initially worked as an assistant at the Pathological Institute there and completed his specialist training in pharmacology and toxicology in 1923. He then worked as an assistant at the Pharmacological Institute at the University of Rostock. In addition, from 1922 he headed the sports medical advice center at the office for physical exercise of the city of Rostock for eight years and in 1924 founded the German Sports Medical Association with other colleagues . In 1930 he moved to the Pharmacological Institute of the University of Göttingen as an assistant doctor , where he completed his habilitation in pharmacology in 1931 and then worked as first assistant and private lecturer . In addition, from 1932 on he was a member of the central board of the German Sports Medical Association and became deputy chairman of this organization.

As part of the takeover of power by the National Socialists Ruickoldt joined in 1933 the SA at in which he achieved in 1939 the rank of SA-medical Obersturmbannführer. In 1937 he also joined the NSDAP . Ruickoldt was appointed to the chair of pharmacology at the University of Rostock in 1934, where he taught with interruptions until his retirement . With his appointment he also took over the management of the Institute for Pharmacology, worked from 1934 to 1937 as a state medical doctor for Mecklenburg and from 1935 as a consultant for the Nazi organization Kraft durch Freude . Initially for one year he was Vice-Rector, succeeding Ernst Heinrich Brill, from 1937 to 1941 as Rector of the University of Rostock. After the beginning of the Second World War he was also deployed in reserve hospitals in Rostock.

In March 1940 Ruickoldt fell from the roof of the university during an air raid and suffered numerous fractures. After that he was partially paralyzed and remained in hospital treatment until November 1944. Peter Holtz took over the professorship. Ruickoldt became a member of the university's academic senate in 1945.

After the end of the war, Ruickoldt was dismissed from the university office in 1945 due to his membership in NS organizations. He then worked as a visiting doctor at the Rostock University Children's Hospital and as a consulting doctor at the medical advisory service of the state social insurance. From 1948 to 1954 he practiced as a resident specialist in pediatrics in Rostock. In 1954 he was able to return to his chair in Rostock, took over the management of the Pharmacological Institute again and, from 1956, also provisionally that of the Physico-Chemical Institute. He retired in 1962.

Ruickoldt had been married to Hertha, nee Falin, since 1920. The couple had five children.

His main research areas were "in addition to exercise physiology, especially pharmacology and toxicology, and here above all the pharmacological and toxicological effects of urotropine (hexamethylenetetramine) on the bladder, intestine, uterus, blood pressure and respiration as well as forensic blood-alcohol determination and questions of occupational safety."

Fonts (selection)

  • On the occurrence of hypertrophic muscles in hypothyroidism , Med. Dissertation, University of Munich 1921


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Grüttner : Biographical Lexicon for National Socialist Science Policy (= Studies on Science and University History. Volume 6). Synchron, Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3-935025-68-8 , p. 143.
  2. Michael Buddrus, Sigrid Fritzlar: The professors of the University of Rostock in the Third Reich. A biographical lexicon , Saur, Munich 2007, p. 339