Eugene John

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Eugen John (born July 1, 1863 in Berlin ; † 1931 there ) was a German landscape painter and draftsman.


Eugen John received his training at the Düsseldorf Art Academy from 1885 to 1886 and through further studies at the Weimar Art School . After graduating, he lived in Berlin at different addresses. From 1892 he exhibited regularly at the Berlin Academy Exhibition and from 1894 to 1920 at the Great Berlin Art Exhibitions . The focus of his painting was on architectural views as well as depictions of the Brandenburg landscape, the Lüneburg Heath and the Mecklenburg Baltic Sea coast . From 1893 Eugen John was a member of the Berlin Artists Association .

Works (selection)

Autumn in the Mark, 1901
  • Darsslandschaft , 1892
  • Autumn in the Mark , 1901
  • Landscape with a blooming heather
  • Baltic beach with surf , 1903
  • From the pilot station Thiessow (Rügen) , 1904
  • Wide lagoon landscape , 1910
  • Tree studies - pen drawings of trees for staffage. O. Maier, Ravensburg 1908/1923


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Some sources name 1920 as the year of death, which contradicts the entries in the Berlin address books up to 1928.
  2. finding aid 212.01.04 student lists the Dusseldorf Art Academy (download in XLS format, 6.5 MB)
  3. John, Eugene . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1892, part 1, p. 580. “Portr. u. Landsch. Maler, W, Nollendorfstr. 25 IV ".
    John, Eugene . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1904, part 1, p. 805. “Kunstmal. W, Neue Winterfeldtstr. 32 “(1910: 11–12, 4–5 outside of Fridays).
    John, Eugene . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1921, Part 1, p. 1296. “Kunstmal. W30, Motzstraße 66 III “(1925: 3½ – 4½ / 1928: last entry).
  4. ^ Catalog of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1901 , Figure 151