NGC 5729

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NGC 5729
{{{Card text}}}
Constellation Libra
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 14 h 42 m 06.9 s
declination -09 ° 00 ′ 34 ″
Morphological type Sb / pec:  
Brightness  (visual) 12.6 mag
Brightness  (B-band) 13.4 mag
Angular expansion 2.6 ′ × 0.7 ′
Position angle 166 °
Surface brightness 13.1 mag / arcmin²
Physical data
Redshift 0.006068 ± 0.000003  
Radial velocity (1819 ± 1) km / s  
Stroke distance
v rad  / H 0
(80 ± 6)  ·  10 6  ly
(24.4 ± 1.7)  Mpc 
discovery Wilhelm Herschel
Discovery date February 4, 1786
Catalog names
NGC  5729 • PGC  52507 • MCG  -01-37-12 • IRAS  14394-0847 • 2MASX  J14420688-0900339 • GC  3978 • H  III 508 • h  3578 •

NGC 5729 is a 12.6 likes bright spiral galaxy of Hubble type Sb in the constellation Libra on the ecliptic , the estimated 80 million light-years from the Milky Way 's center.

The object was discovered on February 4, 1786 by Wilhelm Herschel with an 18.7-inch reflector telescope, who described it as "vF, cL, iE nearly in the meridian".
During his observations with an 18-inch reflecting telescope in 1847, John Herschel noted “F, pL, pmE, gbM; with an appearance of resolvability, arising as I imagine from a few small stars accidentally on it, as I hardly think it can be reckoned a cluster in the sense of class VI. Re-examined working list. It is III.508. VI.8 does not exist in the space assigned to it in the catalog "and" F, pL, gbM, irregular oval, resolvable, 2.5 ′ by 2 ′. If this is not VI.8, there is no other near the place. (NB it does not agree with the description of that cluster in my Father's catalog, which states it to be 8 ′ or 9 ′ in diameter; rich, very compressed. The star 26 x Virginis, by which it splace is there determined, is a mistake for 577 of Mayer's catalog ".

Web links

  • NGC 5729. SIMBAD, accessed April 17, 2016 .
  • NGC 5729. DSO Browser, accessed April 17, 2016 .

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e SEDS : NGC 5729
  3. Seligman
  4. a b Auke Slotegraaf: NGC 5729. Deep Sky Observer's Companion, accessed on April 17, 2016 (English).