List of NGC objects

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This list contains a part of the 7840 objects in the New General Catalog on the following pages .

The constellations, sorted by abbreviation
Abbr. Latin name German name
Ant Antlia Air pump
And Andromeda Andromeda
Aps Apus Bird of paradise
Aql Aquila Eagle
Aqr Aquarius Aquarius
Era Era altar
Ari Aries Aries
Aur Auriga Carter
Boo Boats Bear keeper
CMi Canis Minor Small dog
CMa Canis Major Big dog
CVn Canes Venatici Hunting dogs
Cae Caelum Digger
Cam Camelopardalis giraffe
Cap Capricornus Capricorn
Car Carina Keel of the ship
Cas Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
Cen Centaurus centaur
Cep Cepheus Cepheus
Cet Cetus whale
Cha Chameleon chameleon
Cir Circinus Circle
Abbr. Latin name German name
Cnc Cancer cancer
Com Coma Berenices Berenike's hair
Col Columba Dove
CrB Corona Borealis Northern crown
CrA Corona Australis Southern crown
Crv Corvus Crow
Crt Crater cups
Cru Crux southern Cross
Cyg Cygnus swan
Del Delphinus dolphin
Dor Dorado Swordfish
Dra Draco Dragon
Equ Equuleus To fill
Eri Eridanus Eridanus
For Fornax Chemical furnace
According to Gemini Twins
Gru Grus crane
Her Hercules Hercules
Hor Horologium Pendulum clock
Hyi Hydrus Little water snake
Hya Hydra Water snake
Ind Indus Indus
Abbr. Latin name German name
LMi Leo Minor Little lion
Lac Lacerta lizard
Lep Lepus Hare
Leo Leo lion
Lib Libra Libra
Lup Lupus wolf
Lyn Lynx lynx
Lyric Lyre lyre
Men canteen Table Mountain
Mic Microscopium microscope
Mon Monocerus unicorn
Mus Musca Fly
Nor Norma Angle measure
Oct Octane Octant
Oph Ophiuchus Snake bearer
Ori Orion Orion
Pav Pavo peacock
Peg Pegasus Pegasus
By Perseus Perseus
Phe Phoenix Phoenix
Pic Pictor painter
Psc Pisces fishes
Abbr. Latin name German name
PsA Piscis Australis Southern fish
Pup Puppis Aft deck of the ship
Pyx Pyxis Ship compass
Ret Reticulum network
Scl Sculptor sculptor
Sco Scorpius Scorpio
Sct Scutum sign
Ser Serpens Snake
sex Sextans sextant
Sge Sagitta arrow
Sgr Sagittarius Sagittarius
dew Taurus bull
Tel Telescopium telescope
Tri Triangulum triangle
TrA Triangulum Australe Southern triangle
Tuc Tucana Toucan
UMa Ursa Major Big Bear
UMi Ursa Minor Little Bear
Vel Vela Sails of the ship
Vir Virgo Virgin
Vol Volans Flying fish
Vul Vulpecula Fox
The constellations, sorted by German name
Abbr. German name
Pup Aft deck of the ship
Aql Eagle
Era altar
And Andromeda
Boo Bear keeper
Crt cups
Scl sculptor
Cha chameleon
For Chemical furnace
Del dolphin
Dra Dragon
Tri triangle
Lac lizard
Mon unicorn
Eri Eridanus
Psc fishes
Mus Fly
Vol Flying fish
Vul Fox
Aur Carter
Equ To fill
Cam giraffe
Abbr. German name
Cae Digger
UMa Big Bear
CMa Big dog
Com Berenike's hair
Lep Hare
Her Hercules
Ind Indians
CVn Hunting dogs
Vir Virgin
Cas Cassiopeia
Cep Cepheus
Car Keel of the ship
Hyi Little water snake
UMi Little Bear
CMi Small dog
LMi Little lion
Gru crane
Cnc cancer
Cru southern Cross
Lyric lyre
Leo lion
Lyn lynx
Abbr. German name
Ant Air pump
Pic painter
Mic microscope
Ret network
CrB Northern crown
Oct Octant
Ori Orion
Aps Bird of paradise
Peg Pegasus
Hor Pendulum clock
By Perseus
Pav peacock
Sge arrow
Phe Phoenix
Crv Crow
Pyx Ship compass
Sct sign
Ser Snake
Oph Snake bearer
Sgr Sagittarius
Cyg swan
Dor Swordfish
Abbr. German name
Vel Sails of the ship
sex sextant
Sco Scorpio
Cap Capricorn
dew bull
CrA Southern crown
PsA Southern fish
TrA Southern triangle
Men Table Mountain
Col Dove
Tel telescope
Tuc Toucan
Lib Libra
Cet whale
Aqr Aquarius
Hya Water snake
Ari Aries
Nor Angle measure
Lup wolf
Cen centaur
Cir Circle
According to Twins

See also

Web links

Commons : NGC objects  - collection of images, videos, and audio files