Eugen Neutert

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Eugen Neutert

Eugen Eduard Neutert (born March 19, 1905 in Berlin ; † September 9, 1943 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German resistance fighter against National Socialism .


Stolperstein , Richard-Sorge-Strasse 65, in Berlin-Friedrichshain

After Neutert had finished his electrician apprenticeship , he emigrated to Brazil in the autumn of 1923 . However, he returned to Germany in 1926. In the same year he joined the KPD . Until 1933 he was a functionary of the Kampfbund against fascism in Berlin-Hermsdorf . In 1928 Neutert was fired from the Berlin Electricity Company due to his political activities. He then trained as a masseur and started his own business in Hermsdorf in 1930, where he carried out resistance campaigns with around 30 communists and social democrats until his arrest in September 1936 . On November 25, 1937, he was sentenced by the People's Court (VGH) to two and a half years in prison, which he had to spend in the Brandenburg prison and in the Amberg prison in Bavaria.

After his release in March 1939, he found work at the Eternit plant in Berlin and joined a group of communists who had contact with the group around Robert Uhrig . After the Gestapo had tracked down this organization, Neutert made contact with the resistance group around Hans and Hilde Coppi . In the autumn of 1941, Hans Coppi brought Neutert into the circle of actor Wilhelm Schürmann-Horster . Neutert procured a typewriter and wax matrices for the publication of the illegal Red Chapel magazine Die Innere Front . He also succeeded in establishing numerous connections with other illegal company groups.

Neutert was arrested again on October 23, 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court in August 1943, and hanged on September 9, 1943 in Berlin-Plötzensee prison .


A plaque commemorates Neutert on his former home in Berlin on today's Richard-Sorge-Strasse .


  • Luise Kraushaar (Ed.): German resistance fighters 1933-1945. Biographies and letters . Volume 2. Dietz, Berlin 1970, pp. 533f.

Web links

Commons : Eugen Neutert  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ VE Tarrant: The Red Orchestra. Cassell, London 1995, ISBN 0-304-35129-6 , p. 105.