Eumelos (Pherai)

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Eumelos ( Greek  Εὔμηλος , " herd kingdom ") is in Greek mythology the king of Pherai in Thessaly , son of Admetus and Alcestis . He was the consort of Iphthime , the sister of Penelope .

It was Eumelus who led the peoples of Pherai and Iolkos into the Trojan War . According to Homer's Iliad , there in the ship catalog , he led 11 ships, each manned by 120 men, to the coast of Troy . He brought excellent horses, consecrated to Apollo , to Troy , with which he won the second prize on the occasion of the funeral ceremony for Patroclus , although he fell.

He was one of the warriors stuck in the Trojan Horse .


In the story Kassandra by Christa Wolf , Eumelos is a Trojan who, as head of the palace guard, builds up an extensive security or informant system and thus plays a major role in the transformation of Troy into a totalitarian state.



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