Evžen Erban

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Evžen Erban (born June 18, 1912 in Huslenky , Okres Vsetín , † July 26, 1994 in Prague ) was a Czechoslovak politician of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia KSČ ( Komunistická strana Československa ) , who was among other things Minister of Labor and Social Affairs between 1948 and 1951 later from 1969 to 1981 chairman of the Czech National Council .


Union official, minister and party official

Evžen Erban graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University . He was originally a “ left ” member of the Czech Social Democratic Party ČSSD ( Česká strana sociálně democická ) and between 1940 and 1945 served as secretary of the trade union federation NOÚZ (Národní odborová ústředna zaměstnanecká) in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia . According to his later statements, the official structures of the trade unions and social security institutions within the protectorate had enabled the creation of an umbrella for the resistance movements within these legal organizations. In 1945 he became general secretary of the Central Trade Union Council ÚRO (Ústřední rada odborů) and as such was the second most powerful functionary of the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement ROH (Revoluční odborové hnutí) until 1950 .

From October 21, 1945 to May 16, 1946, he was initially a member of the post-revolutionary provisional National Assembly (Prozatimní Národní shromáždění) and from May 26, 1946 to May 29, 1948 a member of the Constituent National Assembly (Ústavodárné Národní shromáždění) . In the Klement Gottwald II government , he served as Minister of Social Affairs (Ministr sociální péče) from February 25 to June 15, 1948 . He was also a member of the National Assembly (Národní shromáždění) between May 30, 1948 and November 27, 1954 . In the Antonín Zápotocký government that followed, he held the post of Minister of Labor and Social Affairs from June 15, 1948 until he was replaced by Jaroslav Havelka on September 8, 1951.

After the merger of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party with the Communist Party on June 27, 1948, the Social Democrats Erban, Zdeněk Fierlinger , Ludmila Janovcová and Oldřich John became members of the Presidium of the Central Committee (ZK) of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia KSČ ( Komunistická strana Československa ) . On March 6, 1949, the Local National Committee MNV (Místní národní výbor) appointed Minister Erban from Huslenky as its first honorary citizen. On the IX. At the party congress (May 25-29, 1949) he was elected a member of the Central Committee and a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee and belonged to these bodies until January 1952.

Loss of power, Prague Spring and President of the Czech National Council

After leaving the government and party leadership, he was chairman of the State Office for Social Security (Státní úřad sociálního zabezpečení) from 1952 to 1963 and chairman of the State Administration for Material Reserves (Státní správa hmotných rezerv) from 1963 to 1968 . Only in the wake of the Prague Spring did he take on more important functions again and on June 1, 1968, he was elected a member of the Central Committee's secretariat, to which he was a member until August 31, 1968. At the end of August 1968 he became a member of the Central Committee and a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the KSČ at the extraordinary party congress in Prague-Vysočany (August 22 to 31, 1968), which was later annulled as the 14th Party Congress. In this function he was confirmed at the Central Committee plenum on November 17, 1968 and at the same time also a member of the newly created Executive Committee of the Central Committee, which also included Oldřich Černík , Alexander Dubček , Gustáv Husák , Štefan Sádovský , Ludvík Svoboda and Lubomír Štrougal . On January 1, 1969, he was also a member of the Federation Assembly or Federal Assembly (Federální shromáždění) and belonged after his re-election on November 27, 1971, October 23, 1976, June 7, 1981 and May 24, 1986 to January 30 In 1990 the Chamber of Nationalities (Sněmovna národů) , which consisted of 75 representatives each from the Czech and Slovak Republics.

In addition, Evžen Erban on 1 January 1969 a member of the Czech National Council (Česká národní rada) , the Parliament of the Republic of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, and belonged to this until May 22, 1986th As the successor to Čestmír Císař , he became President of the Czech National Council in 1969 and held this office until 1981, when Josef Kempný succeeded him. At a Central Committee plenum on April 17, 1969, at which Gustáv Husák was elected First Secretary of the Central Committee as successor to Alexander Dubček, he was confirmed as a member of the Central Committee and a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the KSČ. At the XIV. Party Congress (25 to 29 May 1971), however, he was only elected a member of the Central Committee and belonged to it after his re-elections at the XV. Party Congress (April 12-16, 1976) and the XVI. Party congress (April 6-10, 1981) until March 28, 1986.

He has received several awards for his services to the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, including the Order of the Republic (Řád republiky) in 1955, 1962 and 1968 , the Klement Gottwald Order (Řád Klementa Gottwalda) in 1968 and the Order of Victorious February (Řád Vítězného února) .


  • Národní pojištění , Prague 1948
  • Nová úprava sociálního zabezpečení členů JZD , SZN, 1962

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johan Jeroen de Deken: Social Policy in Postwar Czechoslovakia: The Development of Old-age Pensions and Housing Policies During the Period 1945–1989 , pp. 34, 40, European University Institute, 1994
  2. Jaromír Balcar: Tanks for Hitler - Tractors for Stalin: Large Enterprises in Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1950 , pp. 342, 518, Walter de Gruyter, 2014, ISBN 3-486-85562-X ( online version )
  3. ^ Government of Klement Gottwald II
  4. ^ Antonín Zápotocký government
  5. Maria Macek: European cultural space development from a historical perspective in the current context: using selected sample regions in Austria and the Czech Republic Weinviertel - South Moravia , p. 156, diplom.de, 2015, ISBN 3-956-36511-9 ( online version )
  6. Martin Schulze Wessel: Der Prager Frühling: Aufbruch in einer neue Welt , p. 205 f., Reclam-Verlag, 2018, ISBN 3-159-50514-6 ( online version )
  7. Directory of Czechoslovak Officials , p. 29 (1963)
  8. Directory of Czechoslovak Officials , p. 34 (1988)