Ewald Gäßler

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Ewald Gäßler (born November 4, 1943 in Wilhelmsort , district of Bromberg , West Prussia ; † May 13, 2010 in Oldenburg ) was a German art historian and former director of the Oldenburg City Museum .


After attending the Oberschule in Nordenham and the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium in Hamm (Westf.) , He studied art history , middle and modern history , philosophy , pedagogy and sociology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. At the Institute for the History of Architecture and Art at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University in Hanover , he headed the Lower Saxony Monument Index research project . He worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Monument Preservation in Hanover, at the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum and at the University of Göttingen.

In 1986 Ewald Gäßler became director of the Oldenburg City Museum, which he headed until he retired in 2008 and for which he made important decisions. During his tenure, in addition to the city museum, two new city exhibition houses were built, the Horst Janssen Museum , which he also headed as director, and the Edith Ruß House for Media Art . He developed the regional museum with art holdings into a museum ensemble with a supraregional reputation. In 2002 he was appointed head of the specialist service for municipal museums and collections in the city of Oldenburg, and in 2003 he was appointed municipal director and deputy head of the cultural office.

In addition to his professional activity, he held numerous honorary positions. Since 1987 he has been head of the Oldenburg regional museum working group of the Museum Association for Lower Saxony and Bremen , since 1993 head of the working group museums and collections in the Oldenburg landscape , from 2006 to 2009 1st chairman of the Franz Radziwill Society , from 2006 to 2010 chairman of the Museum Association for Lower Saxony and Bremen.

In 2000, the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg , where he had been teaching art history since 1991, appointed him honorary professor. Ewald Gäßler's list of publications includes over 100 catalogs, books and articles. He was awarded the Landscape Medal (1998) and the Culture Prize (2009) of the Oldenburg Landscape and the Karl Jaspers Medal of the City of Oldenburg (2008).


  • see the list of publications: Overview of Ewald Gäßler's publications , in: Blickwechsel. Festschrift for Ewald Gäßler , published by the Oldenburg landscape and the Museum Association of Lower Saxony and Bremen eV, Oldenburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-89995-705-1 , pp. 171–179


  • Jörgen Welp (Red.): Change of view. Festschrift for Ewald Gäßler , published by the Oldenburg landscape and the Museumsverband Niedersachsen und Bremen eV, Oldenburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-89995-705-1 (with curriculum vitae on p. 169 f.)
  • The Oldenburg House Calendar 2011 , Volume 185, Oldenburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-8303-8880-7 , p. 79 (obituary)