Félix Cottrau

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Pierre-Félix Cottrau , also Cottreau (born March 6, 1799 in Paris , † December 19, 1852 ibid), was a French portrait , genre and history painter .


Cottrau, son of Strasbourg- born Guillaume Joseph Cottrau (1757-1825) and his wife Adelaide, a born Countess Girault d'Egrefeuille, grew up in Paris, then in Naples , where the father, who followed Joseph Bonapartes and Joachim Murat as well held senior positions in the Ministry of the Interior and the Cultural Administration of the Kingdom of Naples , had come around the mid-1800s. Cottrau received an academic painting training in Paris. In the mid-1820s, he lived again in Naples. From 1827 to 1845 he took part in exhibitions at the Salon de Paris with portraits and pictures of religious and historical content . As a favorite of the Hortense de Beauharnais , with whom he stayed in Rome and on Arenenberg , he created several portraits of his patroness and her family, such as the portrait of her son Napoléon Louis Bonaparte and in 1834 the portrait of Hortense at the pyramid piano. In 1846 Cottrau was awarded the Knight of the Legion of Honor . In 1852 he was in the service of Emperor Napoleon III. inspecteur des Beaux-Arts . He was buried on the Cimetière Montparnasse . A portrait of Cottrau has been preserved in the form of a caricature bust (portrait-charge) which the French sculptor Jean-Pierre Dantan (1800–1869) created in Rome in 1829.

Cottrau's nephews were the Italian composers Giulio and Teodoro Cottrau , the Neapolitan frigate captain Paolo Cottrau (1837–1896) and the Italian engineer Alfredo Cottrau (1839–1898), all sons of his older brother, the double bass player and music historian Guillaume-Louis (Guglielmo Luigi) Cottrau (1797-1847).


  • Emmanuel Bénézit : Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays . Gründ, Paris 1976, Volume III, p. 212.
  • Cottrau, Felix . In: Michael Bryan, Robert Edmund Graves (Eds.): Dictionary of painters and engravers . George Bell and Sons, London 1886, Volume I, p. 317 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Théophile Gautier : Correspondance Générale 1852-1853 . Edited by Claudine Veysseyre, Librairie Droz, Geneva and Paris 1991, p. 149, footnote 1
  2. ^ Bernard Chevalier: La rein Hortense. Une femme artist . Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1993, ISBN 978-2-7118-2784-8 , pp. 66, 70
  3. Queen Hortense on Arenenberg , website in the portal akg-images.de , accessed on March 24, 2017
  4. Center historique des Archives nationales: Dossiers d'anciens fonctionnaires des ministères d'État et de la Maison de l'Empereur et services en dépendant (1852–1870): F70 353 à 359. Index . ( PDF )
  5. Catalog of bustes, statuettes, charges et caricatures de jeune Dantan a Paris . Musée Dantan, 1862, p. 3 ( Google Books )
  6. Portrait-charge de Félix Cottrau (1799–1852), peintre d'histoire , data sheet in the portal parismuseescollections.paris.fr , accessed on March 25, 2017
  7. Pasquale Scialò, Francesca Seller, Anthony R. DelDonna (Eds.): The Neapolitan Canzone in the Early Nineteenth-Century as Cultivated in the Passatempi Musicali of Guillaume Cottrau . Lexington Books, Lanham / Maryland 2015, p. 5 ( Google Books )
  8. Giovanni Masutto: I maestri di musica italiani del secolo XIX: notizie biografiche . Venice 1884, p. 55 ( Google Books )
  9. Famiglia Cottrau , website in the nobili-napoletani.it portal , accessed on March 25, 2017