FBI Serial Crime - Inside the killer's head

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Television series
German title FBI Serial Crime - Inside the killer's head
Original title Touching Evil
Country of production United States
original language English
year 2004
Cheyenne Enterprises
length about 60 minutes
Episodes 12 in 1 season
genre drama
idea Paul Abbott
First broadcast March 12, 2004 (USA) on USA Network
first broadcast
August 30, 2005 on Premiere Film

FBI Serial Crime - In the head of the killer (original title: Touching Evil ) is an American television series , which premiered on March 12, 2004 on the USA Network . The series is based on the British series, also known as Touching Evil, from 1997. It was produced by Cheyenne Enterprises, a production company owned by Bruce Willis . The roles of the two main actors were taken on by Jeffrey Donovan and Vera Farmiga . A broadcast synchronized in German was launched on August 30, 2005 on the PayTV channel Premiere Film . Due to poor audience ratings, the series was discontinued after only one season.


main actor

Recurring characters


actor character Voice actor
Jeffrey Donovan David "Dave" Creegan Manou Lubowski

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ FBI Serial Crime .
  2. a b German synchronous index: German synchronous index - films - FBI Serial Crime - In the head of the killer .
  3. FBI Serial Crime - Inside the Killer’s Head . Archived from the original on June 14, 2015. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.moviepilot.de
  4. Hanna Huge: Series pearl: Jeffrey Donovan and Vera Farmiga in "Touching Evil" - Serienjunkies.de .