Production of German films

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The Fabrikation deutscher Film GmbH ( FDF ) was a German film production company. It existed from 1935 to 1942 and was based in Berlin .

The head of production at FDF, who worked with changing staff and used the Ufa studios , was Hans von Wolhaben . Apart from the propaganda films Herbstmanöver and Der Volksfeind , the company has produced a number of entertainment films, very few of which have made film history. With Jürgen von Alten as director, she has also produced numerous short films . Among the film stars who have often worked for the FDF are especially Heinrich George , Paul Hörbiger , Pola Negri , Iván Petrovich , Sybille Schmitz , Albrecht Schoenhals and Olga Chekhova.

In 1942, the FDF was probably in the Ufa belonging Berlin Film GmbH on.


See also

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