Fair traders

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Original title Fair traders
Country of production Switzerland
original language Swiss German , German , English , Swahili , Hindi
Publishing year 2018
length 89 minutes
Director Nino Jacusso
script Nino Jacusso
production Franziska Reck
music Roman Lerch,
Dominik Blumer,
Thomi Christ
camera Daniel Leippert
cut Loredana Cristelli

Fair Traders - True Stories of Ethical Business is a Swiss documentary film by director Nino Jacusso . According to Swiss Films , the film shows "three personalities from three generations who implement alternative ideas in Switzerland, Germany, Tanzania and India and keep sustainability as a promise for the future".

Production, publication

Olivier JeanRichard was responsible for the sound, Loredana Christelli for the assembly, Ueli Nüesch for the image design, and Christian Beusch for the sound editing, sound design and mix. Fabiana Schuppli and Sonja Kilbertus were in charge of production .

The film opened in Swiss cinemas on February 14, 2019 (Swiss film distribution: Filmcoopi Zurich).
The cinema release in Germany was on March 18, 2019 in Augsburg (film distribution Germany: RealFiction Cologne)


Web links

Individual evidence

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