Felice Rospigliosi

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Felice Cardinal Rospigliosi (painting by Ludovico Gimignani after 1673)

Felice Rospigliosi (* 1639 in Pistoia ; † May 9, 1688 in Rome ) was an Italian cardinal of the 17th century .


Felice Rospigliosi came from a noble family and was a nephew of the future Pope Clement IX. His brother Giacomo Rospigliosi was created cardinal by him in 1667. Felice's relatives also include the later cardinals Carlo Agostino Fabroni (1651–1727; cardinal from 1706), Antonio Banchieri (1667–1733; cardinal from 1726) and Flavio Chigi (cardinal from 1753). Nothing is known about his studies. Rospigliosi was Apostolic Nuncio in Brussels before Pope Clement X appointed him Cardinal Deacon of Santa Maria in Portico Campitelli on January 16, 1673 . In July 1673 he finally got the titular church Sant'Angelo in Pescheria .

Cardinal Rospigliosi participated in the conclave that Innocent XI. chose. Under this Pope he was the owner of various titular churches and from 1678 knight of the Order of Malta before he became archpriest of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in 1686 and cardinal deacon of Sant'Agata de 'Goti in the same year .

Felice Rospigliosi died on May 9, 1688 at the age of only 49. He was buried in Santa Maria Maggiore.

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