Felix Dueball

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Felix Dueball (born March 20, 1880 in Jastrow , West Prussia , † October 8, 1970 in Berlin ) was one of the strongest German Go players. He popularized the game in Germany especially in the 1930s.


Dueball, who studied in Berlin between 1901 and 1906 and then found employment as a teacher of physics, mathematics and Latin in various cities in West Prussia, had lived in Berlin since 1919, where he pursued his profession. Dueball had known the game of go since the 1900s. Next to his brother-in-law Max Lange (born August 7, 1883 as the son of the businessman Emil Lange in Stettin; † September 1, 1923 in the Kanto earthquake in Japan), not related, but often confused with the well-known chess player Max Lange , and Emanuel Lasker counted at that time he was one of the leading Berlin players. At the beginning of the 1920s, Dueball was already considered the best player in Germany. The notation of a game against Emanuel Lasker has been preserved from a tournament in Berlin in 1930. Dueball lost the game.

Felix Dueball founded the first Go group in Berlin in the 1920s. “In the beginning there were only 30 members,” his later student Günter Cießow reported to the Tagesspiegel in 2015 , “but the Go community grew quickly, also because it was supported by the Nazis. They wanted to promote the culture of their Japanese allies. "

In 1930 Dueball and his wife were invited to Japan by the Japanese multimillionaire Baron Okura for 12 months , where he studied the game of Go intensively and took part in a number of tournaments. A game of Dueballs against the then world champion Honinbō Shūsai has gone down in Go history . In 1936 Dueball played a long distance game of Go against the former Japanese Minister of Culture, Ichiro Hatoyama , for advertising purposes . The current game was published move by move both in the Völkischer Beobachter and in the Japanese newspaper Nichi-Nichi . Hatoyama won the game. Dueball was classified with the 2nd Dan .

Dueball's son Fritz Dueball (2nd Dan) won a European tournament organized for the first time in 1938, a forerunner of the European Championships, then the official European Championships in 1957, 1958 and 1959. His grandson Jürgen Dueball (5th Dan) was vice-European champion several times, as well as a master player in Chess and bridge . Felix Dueball, who was incomparably more popular in Japan than in Germany, was mentioned by name in the novel Meijin by the Japanese Nobel Prize laureate Yasunari Kawabata .


  • The Gospiel (Minden 1955)


  • Günter Cießow : Felix Dueball. Go pioneer from Berlin. A reminiscence from a "Go" point of view . Berlin 2008

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Philip Barnstorf: His world is black and white. Tagesspiegel online, April 6, 2015