Felix Tauer

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Felix Tauer, ca.1928

Felix Tauer (born November 20, 1893 in Pilsen ( Austria-Hungary ), † March 17, 1981 in Prague ) was a Czech orientalist , historian and philologist . He made a particular contribution to researching the Arabic stories from the Arabian Nights and the Persian Ẓafarnāma of Niẓām Šāmī .

He studied Arabic , Persian and Turkish with Rudolf Dvořák , Rudolf Růžička and Max Grünert at the University of Prague . In 1917 he earned his doctorate with the thesis Al-Valíd ibn Jazíd ibn Abdulmalik, umajjovský chalífa a básník .


  • Bert G. Fragner: Felix Tauer (1893–1981). Obituary. In: Islam. Volume 59, Issue 1 (1982), pp. 4-5 ( DOI: 10.1515 / islm.1982.59.1.4 ).
  • R. Veselý, E. Gombár (eds.): Zafarname. Memorial Volume of Felix Tauer. Prague 1996.

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