Ferdinand Buchwieser

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Ferdinand Buchwieser (born October 10, 1874 in Soroki , Archdiocese of Lemberg , Ottoman Empire , today Moldova , † December 16, 1964 in Munich ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian .


Buchwieser was initially a district school inspector. He was ordained a priest on June 29, 1899 in Freising. In 1924, the Metropolitan Chapter of the Frauenkirche elected him to the Cathedral Chapter. In 1932 he was appointed vicar general of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising by Michael von Faulhaber . The task of the cathedral dean , i.e. the second leadership position in the cathedral chapter after the cathedral provost , was assigned to him. After the death of Cardinal Faulhaber in June 1952, he managed the archbishopric as vicar capitular until the new Archbishop Joseph Wendel took office , who reappointed him as vicar general.



  • Hans-Jörg Nesner: The Metropolitan Chapter of Munich (since 1821). In: Georg Schwaiger (Ed.): Monachium Sacrum. Festschrift for the 500th anniversary of the Metropolitan Church of Our Lady in Munich. Volume I, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-422-06116-9 , pp. 475-613.
  • Erich Scheibmayr: Last Home: Personalities in Munich Cemeteries 1784–1984. Scheibmayr, Munich 1989.

Individual evidence

  1. H.-K. Seeger, G. Latzel (Ed.): Karl Leisner: Ordination and primacy in the Dachau concentration camp . Lit Verlag, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-8258-7277-7 ( excerpt from Google Books )