Ferdinand Voigt

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August Ferdinand Voigt (born August 24, 1829 in Berlin , † July 17, 1893 in Berlin) was a German educator and promoter of the gymnastics movement .

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Memorial plaque , Hasenheide 100, in Berlin-Neukölln

After passing the baccalaureate at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, he studied from 1848 at the city's University History at Leopold Ranke and Friedrich von Raumer , geography at Carl Ritter and philology in August Boeckh and Karl Gottlob Zumpt . In 1854 he passed the state examination and was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . From 1855 he initially worked as an assistant teacher at the royal high school and at the same time taught at the Luisenstadt high school . In 1858 he was then employed as a full teacher of history and geography and as a gymnastics teacher at the royal high school. He was a member of the Geographical and the Historical Society, the Berlin Gymnastics Teachers Association founded in 1856 and the Gymnasium Teachers Association founded in 1872. In addition, his efforts were aimed at the publication and revision of the historical and geographical writings of his father. In 1875 he was appointed professor.

He dedicated his particular commitment to the development of school and club gymnastics. He was already involved in gymnastics as a schoolboy (under Hans Ferdinand Maßmann ) and as a student (under Martin Kawerau ). At the age of twenty-two he joined the gymnastics community in Berlin (TiB) in 1851 , which was the first sports club in Berlin and Brandenburg to be founded in 1848 "to maintain German gymnastics". In 1858 he became second chairman, in 1860 its chairman and remained so for 33 years until his death. From 1857 he was effective as 2nd chairman in the Berlin Turnrath . He was also a co-initiator of the 2nd German Gymnastics Festival, which took place in Berlin in 1861. He also held with Edmund Angerstein , chairman of the Berlin turn Raths , the Jahn's mass gymnastics and that of Adolf Spiess pronounced gymnastics firm and participated in the so-called bullion controversy (1860-1861 / against the abolition of parallel bars and high bar) against the head of the Central Gymnastics Institute Hugo Rothstein who preferred defensive gymnastics and Swedish gymnastics according to Pehr Henrik Ling . With his participation, the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn monument in the Hasenheide was inaugurated in 1872. As the successor of Kawerau, he also worked as administrator of the gymnasium in the Hasenheide from 1874 . The "Voigt-Evening", founded in 1885 as a sociable association of members of the "Turngemeinde", was named after him. In addition, he was also an active member of the "German Alpine Club".


From 1868 he was married to Pauline von der Linde (* October 5, 1838, † July 13, 1914). The marriage resulted in 5 sons. After being reburied from the Matthäikirchhof , both graves are located in the Stahnsdorf south-west cemetery . A plaque commemorating "the sponsor of gymnastics" was put up in 1895 on the forecourt of the Friedrich Ludwig Jahn memorial in the Hasenheide. His father Ferdinand Voigt (1805-1870) was also a teacher and professor at the royal secondary school in Berlin and the author of several historical-geographical writings and atlases.


  • De primis Hannibali belli annis quaestiones critices , Berlin 1864
  • Contributions to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the foundation festival of the gymnastics community in Berlin on May 3rd and 4th, 1873 , Berlin 1873
  • Hans Ferdinand Maßmann . In: Deutsche Turn-Zeitung 20 (1874), pp. 3–6, 69–71 and pp. 157–161
  • Wilhelm Krampe: History of the Berlin Turnrath. Compiled according to the files and as a commemorative publication to celebrate the 20th Establishment of the Berlin Turnrath with the assistance of Ferdinand Voigt and Johannes Hermann , Berlin 1877


  • Carl Euler: Ferdinand Voigt †. In: Monthly journal for gymnastics 12 (1893), no. 8, pp. 239–241; H. 9, pp. 301-303
  • Eduard Angerstein: Ferdinand Voigt, after a commemorative speech given on September 20, 1893 in the Citizens' Hall of the Berlin City Hall. In: Deutsche Turn-Zeitung 39 (1894), no. 1, pp. 2-4
  • Otto Simon: Professor August Ferdinand Voigt died on July 17, 1893. In: Annual report of the Royal Realgymnasium, Berlin 1894, pp. 66–69
  • August Ferdinand Voigt. In: Carl Euler: Encyclopaedic Handbook of the Entire Gymnastics and Related Areas, Vol. 3, Vienna-Leipzig 1896
  • Carl Philipp Euler: August Ferdinand Voigt. A picture of life, Berlin 1898 (with portrait illus.)
  • Johann Buomann: The bar dispute and the support problem: A presentation of the history of the bar dispute and the significance of the support problem for today's school race, Munich 1932
  • Beckmanns Sportlexikon, Leipzig-Vienna 1933, Sp. 2385-2386
  • Gymnastics community in Berlin 1848-1998, one and a half centuries in motion together, Berlin 1998

Web links

Commons : Ferdinand Voigt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files