Fernando Zegers

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Fernando Zegers Santa Cruz (born July 17, 1932 in Santiago de Chile ) is a former Chilean diplomat .


Fernando Zegers Santa Cruz studied law at the Universidad de Chile and worked as a lawyer between 1956 and 1960 after completing his studies . Subsequently, between 1960 and 1963, he was first deputy director and finally director of El Diario Ilustrado as well as founding professor of the School of Journalism at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile . In 1964 he entered the diplomatic service and was among other things Deputy Director and Director of the Borders Department in the Foreign Ministry between 1964 and 1965. Having 1965-1966 Counselor at the embassy in Brazil acted it from 1968 to 1971 as deputy Permanent Representative and in 1971 as chargé (charge d'affaires) of the Permanent Mission at the United Nations in New York City . From 1968 to 1982 he was also head of the Chilean delegation to the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea and in 1972, 1973 and 1975 delegate for special missions to the UN General Assembly . In 1973 he became director of the Department of Cultural Dissemination and Foreign Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in 1974 special envoy in Nicaragua .

From 1974 to 1975, Zegers was Deputy Director of the International Relations Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from 1974 to 1976 he was Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva . In addition, between 1975 and 1989 he was head of the Chilean delegation at the consultative meetings on the Antarctic Treaty . In 1976 he replaced Héctor Bravo Muñoz as ambassador to Brazil and remained there until 1981, when Javier Illanes Fernández succeeded him there. Subsequently, between 1981 and 1983 he was General Director of the Foreign Policy Department of the Foreign Ministry. In 1984 he was accredited as the successor to Mariano Fontecilla Concha as ambassador to Spain and remained there until he was succeeded by Enrique Campos Menéndez in 1986. After his return, he succeeded Enrique Carvallo Díaz between 1986 and his replacement by Óscar Pinochet de la Barra in 1990 as director of the Academia Diplomática de Chile “ Andrés Bello , the training center for the diplomatic service.

After Zegers was briefly director of the Chilean Antarctic Institute from 1990 to 1991, he also held the post of ambassador to Australia between 1992 and 1996 . He temporarily resigned from the diplomatic service in 1996 and was editor of the daily El Mercurio from 1996 to 2010 and assessor for international affairs for the National Fisheries Society. In 2010 he finally took over the post of ambassador to the Holy See from Pablo Cabrera Gaete and remained there until 2013, after which Patricia Ximena Ríos Tapia succeeded him there. He was also temporarily professor for international law of the sea at the Universidad de los Andes .

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