Affiliate church Freundsam

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Church in kind

The Roman Catholic branch church Freundsam hl. John the Baptist stands on a hill in the hamlet Freundsam in the market town of Liebenfels in Carinthia and is the branch church of the parish church of St. Nikolaus in Gradenegg. The church building and the associated cemetery are under monument protection .


The hamlet of Freundsam , located at around 1000 meters above sea level, appears for the first time in 1245 as Vreundesheim . The name refers to a courtly castle complex, and Valvasor reported at the end of the 17th century about a castle of which there is no trace today. The church was built around 1300, a church consecration was mentioned in a document for 1304. A restoration took place from 1970 to 1972.


A polygonal six-sided ridge turret with a slightly curved pointed helmet was attached to the exterior of the church on the eastern part of the nave, which was built in the late Romanesque style . The roof was originally covered with stone slabs and was replaced with wooden shingles in 1970 after damage. On the west side with the arched portal there is a mighty porch on stone pillars. The south side has a Romanesque window and, next to it, a baroque style extended window with a straight lintel .

The interior of the church shows a nave with a flat ceiling, a round-arched triumphal arch and the apsidal , short and low choir with a 5/8 end with a Gothic groin vault . In the course of an interior restoration in 1971/1972, remains of early Gothic frescoes from the second half of the 14th century were uncovered. On the west side of the triumphal arch wall a representation of Cain and Abel can be seen, on the north wall a large-figure Christophorus , on the east side of the triumphal arch wall a fragment of a seated figure, a large head of a saint and - difficult to recognize - a representation of the baptism of Christ.


The high altar , which was built around 1660 and is decorated with cartilage , is framed by fluted columns. The altarpiece shows the church patron John the Baptist with a staff of the cross and a book, a lamb looks up to him. In the essay, a round picture framed by cartilage ornamentation shows God the Father . Behind the altar is a Gothic closet. A peasant statue of John made in the 17th century is in the chancel.

Numerous existing votive pictures show the importance of the church as a place of pilgrimage at the beginning of the 20th century.


Web links

Commons : Filialkirche Freundsam  - Collection of images

Coordinates: 46 ° 45 ′ 49 ″  N , 14 ° 14 ′ 35.8 ″  E