Florentius Jacobus Voltelen

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Floris Jacobus Voltelen

Florentius Jacobus Voltelen also: Floris Jacobus Voltelen (born January 18, 1753 in Swartland (Dutch Cape Colony), † August 2, 1795 in Leiden ) was a Dutch physician and chemist.


The son of pastor Christiaan Benjamin Voltelen (born January 26, 1723 in Paramaribo / Surinam, † March 25, 1758 in Cape Town) and Geertrui Susanna Meyboom, spent his early youth in Cape Town. When he was 12 he came to 's-Hertogenbosch , where he attended Latin school. He then began studying theology at the University of Utrecht , where he did not enroll in the college's matriculation until 1775. Here he had initially attended the lectures of Christoph Saxe and Carolus Segaar . But soon he found pleasure in the medical lectures of Johannes Oosterdijk Schacht , Pieter Luchtmans and Johann David Hahn . On June 8, 1775, he treated here the treatise Observationes chemicomedicae de lacte humano, ejusque cum asinino et ovillo comparatione and followed Hahn on September 22, 1775 to the University of Leiden .

After attending the lectures of Eduard Sandifort , Gualtherus van Doeveren and Nicolaus Georgius Oosterdijk in Leiden , he received his doctorate there on January 28, 1777 with the treatise Diatribe medica aditialis, memorabilem septennis apositiae historiam exhibens . Then he worked as a doctor at the orphanage in Utrecht. On October 20, 1783 he was appointed associate professor of medicine and chemistry by the curators of the Leiden University. He took up the professorship on January 17, 1784 with the speech De hodiernae chemiae pretio rite constituendo . After Hahn's death he took over his duties. In addition, Voltelen had also participated in the organizational tasks of the Leiden University and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1790/91 . On resigning from office he gave the speech De magnetismo animali , which was published by the Rotterdam physician Johannes Veirac under the title Redevoering over het dierlijk Magnetismus.

Voltelen, who dealt with the latest developments in chemistry according to Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier in his lectures , was also a member of several learned societies in the Netherlands and abroad. For example, on August 27, 1782 he was a member of the Zeeland Society of Sciences in Vlissingen, on May 21, 1784 a member of the Dutch Society of Sciences in Haarlem, and on May 6, 1779 a member of the Proviciaal Utrecht Society of Arts and Sciences (Proviciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen), became a consultant member of the Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy in Rotterdam (Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam) and consultant member of the Society of Sciences in The Hague in 1787.


On June 20, 1784, Voltelen married in Amsterdam with Anne Emilie Vernède (born April 28, 1761 in Amsterdam, † August 30, 1802 in Leiden), the daughter of Jacques Henri Vernède (born June 20, 1713 in Amsterdam; † 1777) and his wife Anna Marie de Mauclerc. The marriage resulted in three daughters. We know of these:

  • Emilie Suzanne Voltelen (born October 26, 1785 in Leiden), married. N. Muller from Amsterdam
  • Henriette Geraldine Voltelen (born September 11, 1788 in Leiden;)
  • Auguste Pauline Voltelen (born January 18, 1790 in Leiden, † December 21, 1836 in Haarlem) married. Member of the court in Haarlem on November 24, 1814 in The Hague with Willem Hendrik van Voorst (born September 17, 1791 in Franeker † November 24, 1855 in Haarlem), author and son of Professor Johannes van Voorst


  • Observationes chemico-medicac de lacte humano, ejusque cum asinino et ovillo comparatione. Utrecht 1775
  • Diatribe Memorabilem Septennis Apositiae Historiam. Leiden 1777 ( online )
  • De lacte humano. Eiusque cum asinino et ovillo comparatione observationes chemicae. 1779
  • Could he braakmiddelen, the men in zommige gevallen boven should shorten the word van Ipecacoanna? Zoo yes: wither zyn die middelen, en wanneer komen ze te pas? 1782
  • Report aangaande de ziekten within the city of Utrecht. The Hague 1783
  • Aanmerkingen over a covered ontsteeking en verzwering in the onderbuik enz. Middelburg 1784
  • Oratio aditialis de chemiae hodiernae pretio rite constituendo. 1784
  • Redevoering over het dierlijk magnetism. Leiden 1791, ( online )
  • Pharmacologica universa. 1797–1802, 3rd vol. (Published after his death by MS du Pui)


  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples . Volume VI, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig 1888, Vol. 6, p. 150
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1876, vol. 19, p. 326, ( online , Dutch)
  • Laurentius Knappert: VOLTELEN (Floris Jacobus) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 5. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1065-1066 (Dutch, knaw.nl / dbnl.org - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1921, reprinted unchanged).
  • GCB Suringar: Het Onderwijs in de Natuurkundige Wetenschapen, aan de Leidsche Hoogeschool, Gedurende Het Dertigjahrig Tijvak van 1785-1815. In: Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. A. Frijlink, Amsterdam, 1870, 6th year, S1-76, see especially p. 32 f. ( Online )