Pieter Luchtmans

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Pieter Luchtmans

Pieter Luchtmans (also: Petrus Lugtmans, Peter Luchtmanns ; born April 17, 1733 in Leiden , † February 2, 1800 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch physician.


The son of the bookseller Samuel Luchtmans and his wife Cornelia Musschenbroek had attended the Latin school in his hometown and prepared for a degree in natural sciences. He was enrolled at the University of Leiden on March 20, 1744 . At that time, Hieronymus David Gaub , Adrianus van Royen (1704–1779), Bernhard Siegfried Albinus , Frederik Winter , Frederik Bernard Albinus and David van Royen taught at the medical faculty, whose lectures he may have attended. After completing his studies, he acquired the degree of doctor of medicine with the treatise de saporibus et gustu on November 3, 1758. On December 3, 1759, he was appointed professor of medicine, anatomy and surgery from the curators of the Utrecht University . He accepted this and for this purpose gave the speech de anatomicis seculi XVIII on March 17, 1760 .

After he had also participated in the organizational tasks of the Utrecht University as rector of the Alma Mater in 1762/63 and 1777/78 and had already taken over the chair of obstetrics on December 29, 1777 during his last term of office, he was appointed on 19 December 1778 also appointed professor of obstetrics. At the two former rectorate times , he put it down with the Discurs de mechanismo corporis humani lectupletissimo sapientiae divinae testimonio (March 26, 1763 and March 26, 1778). These publications are followed by a speech de praeclaris scientiae anatomicae ad excolendas reliquas scientias meritis (1779). Despite advancing age and extensive practical work, he was elected rector of the university again in 1790/91. He was a member of several learned societies and had also left some essays in the specialist journals of his time. In 1774 he was registered under the registration number. In 793 elected member of the Leopoldina with the academic surname Numisianus .

His sons Cornelius Jan Luchtmans (* May 7, 1777 in Utrecht; † January 25, 1860 in Borculo) and Gijsbert Luchtmans (May 7, 1777 in Utrecht; † March 9, 1818 in Wageningen), come from his marriage to Cornelia Hendrina Meyer, who also became doctors.


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