Florian Dorfner

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Florian Dorfner

Andreas Florian Dorfner (born February 21, 1802 in Hirschau ; † November 17, 1878 in Amberg ) was a Bavarian landowner, beer brewer and politician.


Florian Dorfner learned the craft of a Riemerer and trained as a beer brewer. On April 20, 1825, he married the miller's daughter Barbara Trösch, with her he had twelve children, nine of whom died in the early years of life. Florian Dorfner held the mayor's office in Hirschau from 1846 to 1850. From February 1845 to 1848 he was a member of class V ( landowners without jurisdiction ) in the Chamber of Deputies of the first elected Bavarian Estates Assembly.

His brother Martin was also a member of parliament.

Economic activity

In 1825, Florian's father bequeathed the brewery he built in 1819 to his son , the nursing home and ancillary buildings, and 163 days of daily work. By 1839 Florian Dorfner bought another 381 daily units.

In 1825 he and his brothers took over his father's brickworks. In 1842 he built his own brick factory, in which he manufactured refractory bricks for high and buttling ovens. In 1863 he sold the hut to a nephew.

On December 9, 1843, Dorfner bought the Hammergut Holzhammer from Josef Widmann for 50,000 guilders. In addition to the castle, Dorfner bought a brewery, a Zainhammer , a cutting saw, a hammer mill, an inn, a cellar house, various houses, stables and other outbuildings for this sum . In addition, there were plots which, together with the buildings, took up 600 days of work.

In 1849 he acquired the Rupprechtsreuth estate, which he gradually sold again in the following years. In 1855 he finally bought the Theuern estate . Florian Dorfner used the small charcoal-fired blast furnaces belonging to Holzhammer and Theuern to produce pig iron.

Forster-Dorfner Hospital and Hospital Foundation

In 1854 there were two foundations in Hirschau. The Alms and Poor Hospital Foundation existed before 1655. Following the will of his deceased mother, the Prior of the Examining Monastery, Johannes Qualbertus Forster, founded the Forstersche Spitalstiftung in July 1692 . The two foundations were administered by one person in the 19th century. Due to the increasing number of cholera cases in 1854 , the municipalities were asked by the government to provide suitable care for the sick. The two existing foundations were unable to raise the necessary funds. Florian Dorfner therefore donated one of his houses on August 25, 1854 and had it converted into a hospital for 5000 guilders. Due to legal problems, it was not until 1856 that the three foundations could be combined to form the Forster and Dorfner Spital and Hospital Foundation . Of the 23,800 guilders in existence in 1856, 5300 guilders came from the alms foundation, 9200 guilders from the Forster Foundation and 9300 guilders from the Dorfner Foundation. The hospital was first used in 1856 and inaugurated in 1857. After another larger foundation, the name Forster-Dorfner-Dr. Flügelsche Hospital, Hospital and Children's Asylum Foundation used.


  • Ernstberger, Dr. Alfred: History of the father line of the Dorfner in Hirschau (Bavarian Ostmark). 1940. Kallmünz. Print by Michael Laßleben.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. History of Mallet. History of the village. In: kirwa.com. Retrieved November 26, 2012 .