Sevastopol airport

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Sevastopol airport
Sevastopol airport

44 ° 41 '30 "  N , 33 ° 34' 35"  E Coordinates: 44 ° 41 '30 "  N , 33 ° 34' 35"  E

Transport links
Distance from the city center 9 km north of Sevastopol
Start-and runway
07L / 25R 3007 m × 48 m concrete


i11 i13

Ukrainian MiG-29 in the military part of Sevastopol airport

The Sevastopol International Airport ( IATA code UKS) is an international airport in Sevastopol (the status of Crimea since March 2014 disputed ). The airfield is located near the coast in Nakhimov district , about nine kilometers north of Sevastopol.


The airfield was built in 1941. After the Second World War , the originally unpaved runway was replaced by a concrete runway. However, the airfield was still used exclusively for military purposes. During the second half of the 1980s, the airfield was expanded and expanded. As a result, it was also used civilly.

In December 2002 the airport received a license to handle international flights. Between 2002 and 2007, 2,500 flights with around 25,000 passengers were handled. In 2007 civil flights were suspended. In the spring of 2009, the resumption of civil aviation was announced. The civil part of the airfield belonged to Ihor Kolomoysky .

Military use

During the Cold War , interceptors were stationed at the Soviet air force base . The end of 1991 a total of 39 Su-15TM from 1989 to 1992, 14 air superiority fighter of the type Su-27 . After Ukraine gained independence, the base was part of the Ukrainian Air Force. In 1996 it replaced the outdated Su-15TM interceptor with Su-27.

The military part of the airport was used by both the Ukrainian Air Force and the Russian Army (via the Black Sea Fleet ) under a deployment agreement. Military use of the airport continues to this day and has only been used by the Russian army since the Crimean crisis in spring 2014 , while the civilian part is nationalized.


The airport's first runway was 3007 × 48 meters (Class B). The maximum take-off weight of aircraft is not limited. In 2018, the construction of a second runway began on the area, according to Russian state information to enable civil aviation. On November 22, 2018, the second runway intended for long-distance pilots with a length of 3,450 m was put into operation.

Web links

Commons : Sevastopol airport  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c In Sevastopol began to equip a military airfield for civil aviation according to a representative of Putin , rferl, August 28, 2018 (Russian)
  2. In the Crimea, the first stage of the expansion of the Belbek military airfield was completed , RIA, November 22, 2018