François-Joseph Terrasse Desbillons

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François-Joseph Terrasse Desbillons

François-Joseph Terrasse Desbillons SJ (born January 8, 1711 in Châteauneuf-sur-Cher , Département Cher , † March 17, 1789 in Mannheim ) was a French Jesuit, fable poet and neo-Latin writer. Desbillons was a contemporary of the Jesuit and astronomer Christian Mayer .


After his training at the Jesuit College in Bourges , Desbillons entered the Jesuit order at the age of 16 (1727) . He taught humanities (especially rhetoric) in Nevers and at the Collège du Mont in Caen . From 1736 he was professor of grammar at the Collège Henri-IV de La Flèche , from 1742 he taught rhetoric there. From 1744 to 1748 he taught at the University of Bourges. He later moved to the Collegium of Louis XIV in Paris , where he devoted himself entirely to literature and the publication of his fables , which were written in Latin . After the Jesuit order was abolished in France, Desbillons accepted an invitation from Elector Karl Theodor to Mannheim in 1764 and stayed there until his death.

The University Library of Mannheim houses Desbillons' collection of around 17,000 books.


  • Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque , 1754.
  • Fabulae Mopsicae , 1768.
  • Fables choisies du RP Des Billons, mises en vers françois , 1768.
  • Histoire de la vie chrétienne et des exploits militaires d'Alberte-Barbe d'Ernecourt, connue sous le nom de Madame de Saint-Balmont , 1773.
  • Nouveaux éclaircissements sur la vie et les ouvrages de Guillaume Postel , 1773 ( Google Books ).
  • Fabulae Aesopiae, curis posterioribus omnes , 1778 ( Google Books ).
  • Ars bene valendi , 1788.
  • Carmen de pace christiana, sive de hominis felicitate , 1789.


  • Nicolas Maillot de la Treille : Notice de la vie et des ouvrages du PF-J. Of the billon . Imprimerie F. Levrault, Strasbourg 1790, urn : nbn: de: bsz: 180-digad-29500 (French, full text in the Google book search).
  • Karl Zell : Note on the handwritten estate of P. Desbillon . In: Negotiations of the second meeting of German philologists and school men in Mannheim 1839 . Tobias Loeffler, Mannheim 1840 ( full text in the Google book search).
  • G. Fr. Gräff: Des Franz Joseph Des Billons speech about the state of French literature in his time . In: Mannheim Lyceum Program 1852 . Mannheim 1852 ( full text ).
  • Pierre Dubois: Le père Desbillons . Bourges 1887, urn : nbn: de: bsz: 180-digad-29256 (French).
  • Karl Weich: Mannheim - the new Jerusalem . The Jesuits in Mannheim 1720–1773. Palatium, Mannheim 1997, ISBN 3-920671-17-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Camille de Rochemonteix: Un Collège des Jésuites aux XVIIe & XVIIIe siècles. Le Collège Henri-IV de La Flèche. Vol. 3, p. 128, note 3. Leguicheux, Le Mans 1889 ( PDF file; 17.6 MB).
  2. ^ Desbillons in Saint-Marc Girardin (1801–1873): La Fontaine et les fabulistes. Tome 2. M. Lévy frères, Paris 1867
  3. Desbillons in Pierer's Universal Lexikon at
  4. ^ UB Mannheim - special collection - old prints: Desbillons collection