François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'Arnaud

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Portrait in the Musée Saint-Loup

François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'Arnaud (born September 8, 1718 in Paris , † November 8, 1805 ibid) was a French poet and playwright.

Baculard d'Arnaud won Voltaire's favor through his verses at an early age . The Prussian King Frederick the Great , an admirer of Voltaire, appointed d'Arnaud as his literary correspondent.

In the years 1750/51 d'Arnaud lived in Berlin at the invitation of Friedrich , where he was accepted as a member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences . This gave d'Arnaud the honorary title of King Ovid and designated him as Voltaire's successor; for which the latter retaliated with harsh mocking poems and induced Friedrich in 1751 to dismiss d'Arnaud from his post as legation councilor in Dresden . D'Arnaud returned to Paris after a short stay in Dresden.

There he experienced the revolution and was imprisoned during the reign of terror on the orders of the welfare committee . Eight weeks after his 87th birthday, Arnaud died in Paris on November 8, 1805, and found his final resting place in the Père Lachaise cemetery (Division 10).


In his novels and tragedies, d'Arnaud repeatedly addressed the gruesome and the gloomy; A certain morbid mood can also be found in his poetry. Of his plays was only during his lifetime Le comte de Comminges , in turn machining a romance of Claudine Guérin de Tencin listed, and served as a template for the libretto of the opera La favorite by Donizetti . His series of novels Les Épreuves du sentiment (“The Trials of Feeling”) became the textual basis of Bellini's opera Adelson e Salvini .

Works (selection)

  • Les amants malheureux, ou le comte de Comminges. Drama . Paris 1774.
  • Euphémie, ou le triomphe de la religion. Drame, en trois actes en vers . Paris 1772.
  • Merinval. Drama . Le Jay 1784.
  • Poésies . 1751 (3 vol.).


  • Robert L. Dawson: Baculard d'Arnaud. Life and prose fiction . Voltaire Foundation, Banbury 1976 (2 vols.).
  • Bodo Kirf: The contrition of the heart. Investigations into the sensitive theater of Baculard d'Arnaud . Lang, Frankfurt / M. 1989, ISBN 3-631-42050-1 (also dissertation, University of Frankfurt / M. 1988).
  • Gilbert van de Louw: Baculard d'Arnaud, romancier ou vulgarisateur. Essai de sociologie littéraire . Les-Belles-Lettres, Paris 1972.
  • Béatrice Touitou: Baculard d'Arnaud . Édition Memini, Paris 1997, ISBN 88-86609-10-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the previous academies. François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'Arnaud. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities , accessed on February 16, 2015 .

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