François Allain-Targé

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François Henri René Allain-Targé (born May 17, 1832 in Angers , † July 16, 1902 in Targé Castle in Parnay ( Maine-et-Loire )) was a French politician .


François Henri René Allain-Targé, son of a general procurator, studied law in Poitiers and established himself as a lawyer in his hometown in 1853. In 1857 he married a daughter of Abel-François Villemain , with whom he had two daughters. After he had held the post of Deputy Imperial Procurator from 1861–1864, he moved to Paris , where he worked for Napoleon III. opposition newspapers, especially on financial issues. In 1868 he joined the editorial team of Avenir national and founded, with Léon Gambetta , Paul Challemel-Lacour and others, the Revue politique, which was suppressed after a few months .

After the fall of the Empire in September 1870, Allain-Targé was appointed prefect of the Maine-et-Loire department, then worked as army commissioner and accompanied Gambetta as prefect of the Gironde to Bordeaux . Like him, he defended France to the utmost in the Franco-Prussian War and resigned from office when the election of a new National Assembly (February 8, 1871) was largely conservative. Since the elections held on July 30, 1871, he was a radical member of the Paris Municipal Council. With Gambetta, he also founded the daily newspaper La République française in November 1871 , for which he wrote until 1889.

In March 1876 Allain-Targé was elected to the Chamber of Deputies , where he belonged as a loyal supporter of Gambetta like this of the Union républicaine faction and gained great influence as a party leader since Mac Mahon's resignation in 1879. When Gambetta took over the premier on November 14, 1881, he made Allain-Targé head of the Ministry of Finance. Allain-Targé resigned with Gambetta on January 26, 1882. In the Ministry of Henri Brisson , he served from 6 April to 29 December 1885 as interior minister. In the new elections in September / October 1889 he was no longer given a mandate as a deputy and withdrew from politics. He died on July 16, 1902 at the age of 70.
