Francesco Barbaro

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Francesco Barbaro

Francesco Barbaro (* 1390 in Venice ; † 1454 ibid) was an important humanist and diplomat in Venice from the Barbaro family.

Francesco Barbaro was the son of the Senator of the Republic of Venice Candiano Barbaro . As a philologist and expert on antiquity, he was highly regarded in Venice and the Veneto . He was married to Maria Loredan, who was great-granddaughter, granddaughter, daughter and sister of a procurator of San Marco.


Barbaro attended a school in Venice from 1405 to 1408 and then became a student of Gasparino Barzizza in Padua . There he received his master's degree in 1410 and doctorate in 1412. In Venice he continued his Greek studies with Guarino da Verona and in 1415 translated Plutarch into Latin . Since 1415 he was in the humanistic circle around Leonardo Bruni , Niccolò Niccoli and the Medici in Florence . In 1416 he wrote his book about marriage on the occasion of the wedding of the patron Lorenzo di Giovanni de 'Medici .

In 1419 he became senator of the Republic of Venice and held several public offices. In diplomatic missions he was with the Pope and the German Emperor, among others. From 1422 to 1435 he was Podestà of Treviso , Vicenza , Bergamo and Verona . Around 1440 he was a representative at the Council of Florence . In 1452 he became Procurator of San Marco.

Francesco's only son Zaccaria was a Venetian diplomat, whose son Ermolao was known as a humanist.


Editions and translations


  • Percy Gothein : Francesco Barbaro: Early humanism and statecraft in Venice. Berlin: The Round 1932.
  • Herbert Jaumann : Bàrbaro, Francesco d. Ä. In: Herbert Jaumann: Handbook of scholarly culture in the early modern period. Vol. 1 .: Bio-bibliographical repertory. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2004, ISBN 3-11-016069-2 , p. 65.
  • Germano Gualdo: Barbaro, Francesco. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 6 (Baratteri – Bartolozzi), Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1964, pp. 101-103.

Individual evidence

  1. Barbaro, Francesco in: Enciclopedie on line