Francesco Orlando

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Francesco Orlando (born July 2, 1934 in Palermo , † June 22, 2010 in Pisa ) was an Italian author, Romanist , Italianist , French scholar and literary theorist .

life and work

Orlando studied law in Palermo from 1951 and literature from 1955. From 1953 to 1957 he was a private student of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa , who had a lasting impact on him. In 1957 he was recommended by his relative, the Hispanist Carmelo Samonà , to the French artist Arnaldo Pizzorusso of the University of Pisa , from whom he received his doctorate with a thesis on Louis Ramond de Carbonnières (1755-1827). From 1959 to 1960 he studied in Paris. From 1961 he taught at the University of Pisa, where he taught from 1967 as a professor of French literature, from 1970 at the University of Naples , from 1975 at the University of Venice and finally from 1981 back in Pisa. From 1995 to 2006 he held the first Italian chair for literary theory there . The focus of his method lay in the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud , which he had met early on from his student Alexandra von Wolff-Stomersee , the wife of Tomasi de Lampedusa.


  • L'opera di Louis Ramond , Milan 1960
    • L'histoire des montagnes et l'harmonie du monde chez Ramond de Carbonnières, in: Des "passeurs" entre science, histoire et littérature. Contribution à l'étude de la construction des savoirs, 1750-1840 , ed. by Gilles Bertrand and Alain Guyot, Grenoble 2011
  • Rotrou . Dalla tragicommedia alla tragedia , Turin 1963
  • Per una teoria freudiana della letteratura , Turin 1965, 1973, 1987, 1992
    • Toward a Freudian Theory of Literature , Baltimore 1978
  • Infanzia. Memoria e storia da Rousseau ai romantici , Padua 1966, Pisa 2007
  • Lettura freudiana della "Phèdre" , Turin 1971, 1980, 1990
    • Lecture freudienne de “Phèdre” , Paris 1986
  • Lettura freudiana del "Misanthrope" e due scritti teorici , Turin 1979
    • Due letture freudiane: "Fedra" e "Il misantropo" , Turin 1990
  • Introduzione a Sigmund Freud. Il motto di spirito e la sua relazione con l'inconscio , Turin 1975
  • Illuminismo e retorica freudiana , Turin 1982; 1997 (ud T. Illuminismo, barocco e retorica freudiana )
  • Le costanti e le varianti. Studi di letteratura francese e di teatro musicale , Bologna 1983
  • Gli oggetti desueti nelle immagini della letteratura: rovine, reliquie, rarità, robaccia, luoghi inabitati e tesori nascosti , Turin 1993, 1994
    • Obsolete objects in the literary imagination , New Haven 2006
    • Les objets désuets dans l'imagination littéraire , Paris 2010
  • L'altro che è in noi. Arte e nazionalità , Turin 1996
  • L'intimità e la storia. Lettura del "Gattopardo" , Turin 1998
    • L'Intimité et l'Histoire. Lecture du Guépard , Paris 2014
  • (Ed.) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Cento anni dalla nascita. Quaranta dal Gattopardo, Palermo, Palazzo Chiaramonte detto Steri, December 12-14, 1996 , Palermo 1999
  • (Ed.) Carmelo Samonà, Fratelli e tutta l'opera narrativa , Milan 2002

Own poetry and prose

  • The forest is tutta del sole. 1949–1954, Palermo 1954 (poetry)
  • Ricordo di Lampedusa , Milan 1963, 1985, Turin 2001 (memories of Tomasi de Lampedusa)
    • Un souvenir de Lampedusa , Paris 1996
    • Recuerdo de Lampedusa , Valencia 2006
  • La doppia seduzione , Turin 2010 (novel, first version 1956)


  • Per Francesco Orlando. Testimonianze e ricordi , ed. by Davide Ragone, Pisa 2012
  • Be lezioni per Francesco Orlando. Teoria ed ermeneutica della letteratura , Pisa 2014

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