Francesco Salviati (Archbishop)

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Francesco Salviati Riario (* 1443 in Florence ; † April 26, 1478 ibid) from the Florentine noble family Salviati was Archbishop of Pisa and one of the Pazzi conspirators in 1478.


He was the fourth son of Bernardo Salviati and his wife Elisabetta Borromei. Francesco Salviati was friends with Cardinal Giannantonio Campano , who promoted him.

Archbishop of Pisa since 1474, he was convinced that he would become the next Archbishop of Florence , but the Medici family and especially Lorenzo de 'Medici wanted to prevent this. It was Francesco who led the Pazzi conspiracy troops to Florence. Salviati and Francesco de 'Pazzi came up with the plan for the murder of Lorenzo and Giuliano . Raffaele Riario , who later may have been falsely accused, stayed in Rome . His uncle Girolamo Riario, on the other hand, was involved, but was able to flee from the angry crowd, because the Florentines were in the vendetta against the putschists, and so soon all members of the Pazzi family, Archbishop Salviati and others, were killed. a. hung on the windows of the Palazzo della Signoria . This led to Pope Sixtus IV excommunicating Lorenzo de 'Medici and imposing the interdict on the city of Florence, these punitive measures were not lifted until two years later.

Francesco Salviati's involvement in the conspiracy led to a damnatio memoriae within his family, which later developed close ties with the Medici.


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