Francis Casadesus

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Francis Casadesus (born December 2, 1870 in Paris , † June 27, 1954 there ) was a composer , conductor and teacher . He came from the Casadesus family of musicians and was the brother of Henri and Marius Casadesus .


After studying at the Paris Conservatory with Albert Lavignac and César Franck , he became a conductor at the Paris Opera and the Opéra-Comique . He toured France (1890-1892) and Europe (1895) with the orchestras of these opera houses. His work includes five operas and one ballet music. From 1921 he was for many years the first director of the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau . In 1942 he was appointed Vice President of SACEM , an institution comparable to the German GEMA .


Web links

Commons : Francis Casadesus  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files