Franz-Josef Bormann

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Franz-Josef Bormann (born February 27, 1965 in Hildesheim ) is a German Catholic moral theologian . He is an expert on the moral theology of Thomas Aquinas and is known in specialist circles for his studies on natural law .

Academic life

In 1984 Bormann began studying philosophy and Catholic theology at the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt and graduated in 1986 with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and an intermediate diploma in Catholic theology, in order to complete his studies at the University of Munich and the University of Philosophy Munich to continue. He completed his philosophical studies here in 1988 with a Magister Artium in philosophy and won the Alfred Delp Prize for his thesis. From 1988 to 1991, Bormann studied as a Germanic Catholic theology at the Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana in Rome and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Catholic theology. This was followed by a one-year postgraduate course at the University of Philosophy in Munich, and from 1992 to 1995 Bormann expanded his knowledge in a further postgraduate course at the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen. For this postgraduate course, he was also accepted into the Cusanuswerk 's graduate scholarship .

Research and Teaching

In 1995 he started in the field of research and teaching as a research associate at the Institute for Protestant and Catholic Theology and its Didactics Faculty of Education of the University of Kiel , in 1998 received his doctorate he became Dr. theol. at the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen and thus ended his activity at the said chair and became a scientific assistant at the Institute for Systematic Theology, Moral Theology with Eberhard Schockenhoff at the University of Freiburg . From 2002 to 2003, Bormann deepened his studies as a visiting scholar at Harvard University (Philosophy Department) and Boston College (Philosophy Department) and completed his habilitation in 2005. In the same year he became holder of the moral theological and ethical chair at the theological faculty in Paderborn . In the summer semester of 2008 he was appointed to the chair of moral theology at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Tübingen .

Bormann was born on 14 May 2005 at the Hildesheim Cathedral for ordained priests .

In 2016, Bormann was appointed to the German Ethics Council. He has also been a member of the Central Ethics Committee of the German Medical Association since 2010 .

Publications (selection)

  • with Bernd Irlenborn (Ed.): Religious beliefs and public reason. On the role of Christianity in a pluralistic society (= Quaestiones Disputatae 228). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2008.
  • Social justice between fairness and participation. John Rawls and Catholic Social Teaching (= Studies on Theological Ethics 113). Academic Press / Herder, Freiburg (Switzerland) / Friborg 2006.
  • with Christian Schröer (ed.): Weighing reason. Practical rationality from a historical, systematic and religious-philosophical perspective. de Gruyter, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-11-017517-7 .
  • Nature as the horizon of moral practice. On the action-theoretical interpretation of the doctrine of natural moral law in Thomas Aquinas (= Munich Philosophical Studies . New Volume 14). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Berlin / Cologne 1999.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tübingen theologian in the German Ethics Council. Bundestag President Lammert appoints Franz-Josef Bormann from the chair for moral theology at the University of Tübingen. , communication dated April 13, 2016.
  2. Prof. Dr. theol. Franz-Josef Bormann. (PDF) CV. In: March 23, 2017, p. 2 , accessed September 28, 2018 .