Franz Fürchtegott Böhme

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Franz Fürchtegott Böhme (born April 7, 1856 in Riethnordhausen (near Erfurt) , † February 20, 1932 in Dresden ) was a German lawyer and politician. He was president of the Evangelical Lutheran State Consistory of Saxony .


Böhme studied law at the University of Leipzig from 1874 to 1878 . In 1884 he received his doctorate as Dr. jur. In 1885 he became mayor of Meerane and from 1890 to 1894 he held this office in Freiberg . In 1895 he was a Privy Councilor in the Ministry of Education in Saxony. In 1910 he became president of the Evangelical Lutheran Consistory of Saxony . In 1891 he became a member of the 1st Chamber of Estates of the Saxon State Parliament . In 1915 the University of Leipzig awarded him an honorary doctorate in theology .


  • Böhme, Franz Fürchtegott . In: Hannelore Braun, Gertraud Grünzinger-Siebert (eds.): Personal Lexicon on German Protestantism 1919–1949 (= work on contemporary church history . Series A: Sources). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Goettingen 2006, ISBN 978-3-525-55761-7 , p. 40.