Dietrich Otto von Berlepsch

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Dietrich Otto von Berlepsch (* 22. September 1823 in Dresden , † 15. January 1896 ibid ) was a German jurist and politician Church in the Kingdom of Saxony . He was president of the Evangelical Lutheran Consistory from 1883 to 1892 and sat in the Saxon state parliament from 1892 (1831-1918) .


Dietrich Otto Freiherr von Berlepsch was born as the son of Baron August Adolph von Berlepsch (1790–1867). His father was a Saxon forest master and privy councilor . In 1821 he married Adolfine Auguste (1803–1878), a born Countess von der Schulenburg on Lieberose, the mother of Dietrich Otto. His younger brother was the future Prussian Minister of Commerce and Industry, Hans Hermann von Berlepsch (1843–1926).

He studied at the University of Leipzig law and was 1843 in the Corps Misnia Leipzig recipiert . In 1851 he was initially employed as a trainee lawyer at the Bautzen district directorate . Later, he moved into administration and came in 1858 as a government advice to the District Directorate of Leipzig .

In 1874, with the establishment of the Evangelical Lutheran State Consistory , Berlepsch was appointed to Dresden as the second consistorial councilor and in 1876 was appointed the first consistorial councilor. He played a leading role in the marriage regulations enacted in 1881, the introduction of which was associated with great difficulties. For the first time, ecclesiastical marriage law was subjected to a complete statutory regulation. On October 1, 1883, he took over the leadership of the consistory as president, succeeding Bernhard von Uhde (1817–1883). Under his direction the new general national hymn book was introduced and the revised pericope order completed. He tried to Auspfarrungen and Neubegründungen of parishes to allow and to raise funds for the construction of new spiritual bodies.

As president of the consistory, Berlepsch also represented the church regiment at the regional synods in 1886 and 1891. After the synod of 1891, he was appointed to the Real Privy Council with the title Excellency and was made an honorary doctor of theology by the theological faculty of Leipzig University . When he retired on 1 October 1892 in retirement, Berlepsch was built by King Albert of Saxony by the awarding of the Grand Cross of the Albert Order excellent and appointed by Royal Decree as a member of the first stalls chamber of the Saxon State Parliament, as well as canon of Meissen elected . In February 1893 he took over the chairmanship of the central committee for the Upper Ore Mountains and Vogtland women's associations as an honorary post.

Dietrich Otto von Berlepsch died unmarried on the afternoon of January 15, 1896, at the age of 72 in Dresden. He was buried on January 19, 1896 in the Trinity cemetery in Dresden . The funeral speech was held by the court chaplain Richard Löber .


  • Hermann Arthur Lier : Berlepsch, Dietrich Otto von. in: Anton Bettelheim (Hrsg.): Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog. Volume 1, page 415, Georg Reimer, Berlin 1897. ( digitized )
  • Dietrich Otto von Berlepsch. ( Obituary ) In: Official calendar for Evangelical Lutheran clergy in the Kingdom of Saxony for the year 1897. Volume 27, pages 181–182, Roßberg printer, Frankenberg 1897. ( digitized )
  • Dietrich Otto Freiherr von Berlepsch. ( Obituary ) In: Dresdner Geschichtsblätter. No. 1, 1897, page 23. ( digitized )
  • Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen houses 1898. Volume 48, page 26. Justus Perthes, Gotha 1898. ( digitized )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 90/45.