Franz Florence Engelbert Hegemann

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Franz Florenz Engelbert Hegemann (born December 11 or 22, 1846 in Münster , † 1917 in Berlin ) was a German architect and post office building officer .

life and work

After graduating from high school, Hegemann studied mathematics and natural sciences in Münster until autumn 1866. In 1866 he began studying at the Berlin Building Academy . In 1868 he passed the " Building Supervisor Exam " (1st state examination ) and then worked practically in Berlin, including building barracks on the Tempelhofer Feld . In December 1870 he passed the " Surveyor Examination" and in July 1872 he passed the final "Builder Examination" (2nd state examination).

From July 1875 to April 1878 he worked as a master builder for the Schleswig district government . During this time, the government and high presidential building in Schleswig (today Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court ) was built under his leadership . He then worked for the Potsdam district government until March 1879 . On March 29, 1879, he was accepted into the building management of the Imperial Post Office with the rank of post office building officer and worked as a technical adviser at the Magdeburg Oberpostdirektion , the Oberpostdirektion Halle and the Oberpostdirektion Erfurt. In October 1881 he was transferred to the Arnsberg Post Office. During his time as a post office building officer, post buildings in Stendal , Schmalkalden , Sonneberg , Arnsberg , Iserlohn , (Hagen-) Haspe , Letmathe , Gelsenkirchen , (Gelsenkirchen-) Schalke , Soest , Menden , Meschede , Minden and Fredeburg were built according to his designs or under his construction management .

After leaving the Reich service on October 1, 1889, he worked in the office for the Reichstag building in Berlin until 1895 . From 1890 to 1899 he was a sworn expert in building matters at the district court of Berlin I and II and the district court of Berlin. Then he retired .


  • Uwe Kieling: Berlin building officials and state architects in the 19th century . Kulturbund der DDR, Berlin 1986, p. 39 f .

Individual evidence

  1. Hans von Januszkiewicz: The Mental Berlin. Life and work of architects, sculptors, stage artists, journalists, painters, musicians, writers, draftsmen. Storm, Berlin 1897, p. 178. (as reprint: Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratie Republik, Berlin 1975 - limited preview of Google books )
  2. Hegemann, Engelbert, Kais. Postbaurat a. D. In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1916, part 1, p. 1023. last mentioned
  3. Hegemann, E., Kgl. Reg. Baumstr. u. sworn Expert b. Land u. Magistrate Berlin I . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1891, Part 1, p. 456.
  4. Hegemann, Engelbert, Kaiserl. Postbaurat a. D. In: Address book for Berlin and its suburbs , 1900, part 1, p. 544.