Franz Gabriel Gorup

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Franz Gabriel Gorup (Latin: Franciscus Gabriel Gorup , Hungarian: Gorup Ferenc Gábor ; * around 1596; † February 22, 1677 probably in Raab ) was a Croatian nobleman, titular bishop and grand provost of Raab .

He was parish deacon in 1626 , chaplain in Steinamanger in 1630 and 1631 , canon in Eisenburg from 1635 to 1636 and provost of Rajka (Ragendorf) from 1635 to 1638. As such, he took part in the National Convention in Tyrnau in 1638.

From October 30, 1638 until 1674 he was custodian of Stuhlweissenburg , which was a Turkish border fortress after the conquest from 1543 to 1688. In addition, he was from November 20, 1638 to 1657 Grand Provost and Episcopal Vicar of Wesprim and from March 25, 1640 to 1647 Abbot of Zirtz .

From February 22, 1641 to November 15, 1667 he owned a benefice in Ödenburg . On July 13, 1643 Gorup was titular bishop of Novi (as such he was a member of the Hungarian magnate table ) and from January 29, 1644 to September 6, 1670 provost of Rathold (Rátót, today Gyulafirátót ). In 1656 he became the lord of the cathedral and on November 22, 1659, the chief provost of Raab.

After his death he was dubbed as follows

  • Anno 1677 ... Reverendis. D. Franciscus gorup, Episcopus noviensis, Vener. Cap. Eccles. Jaurinensis Praepositus Major, nec non Illust. Ac Rever. DD Georgij Szeczeny, Archi-Episcopi Collocensis et Baciensis, nec non Jaurinensis Episcopi in spiritualibus Vicarius Causarumque; ejusdem sacrae Sedis Auditor Generalis, Sac. Caesar. Regiaeque Majestatis Consiliarius, Jaurini, Mense Januario


Individual evidence

  1. Ivan Bojničić: The nobility of Croatia and Slavonia (= Siebmacher's great book of arms , vol. IV, 13th section), Bauer & Raspe, Nuremberg 1899, p. 54 and plate 40.
  2. ^ Diocese and cathedral chapter archives in Stuhlweissenburg (history of the diocese) , at: The Catholic Church Archives of Historical Hungary .
  3. The chapter had been in Ödenburg since 1544 and had only returned in 1630. Wesprim was fiercely contested and was conquered by the Turks in 1552, 1593, 1598 and for a short time in 1683. Cf. Archbishopric and Chapter Archives Wesprim (History of the Archdiocese) , on: The Catholic Church Archives of Historical Hungary
  4. Hungarian: oltárjavadalmas, literally "altar endowment"
  5. cf. Gyulafirátót in the Hungarian Wikipedia
  6. cf. András Vályi: Magyar országnak leirása, Volume 3, Buda 1799, p. 182
  7. Hungarian: mesterkanonok
  8. Alma Sodalitas Major, Magnae Dominae Nostrae, semperque Virginis Mariae, Elisabeth Visitantis Tyrnaviae, In Archi-Episcopali Universitate Tyrnaviensi Societatis JESU, erecta, et confirmata. DD Consodalibus in eadem Virgine Matre Conjunctissimis, Salutem Mariana. (Syllabus DD. Sodalium defunctorum Beatae Mariae Virginis Visitantis, qui ex Albo Nostro Tyrnaviensi, ad Album Immortalitatis translati sunt) … Georgius Szelepcheny, Archiepiscopus Strigoniensis, Rector; Valentinus Comes Drugeth de Homonna, Vice-Rector; Nobilis ac eruditus D. Joannes Kast Vice-Secretarius. Tyrnaviae 1677, 2 ° (quoted from: Viskolcz Noémi: 17. századi ismeretlen hazai kisnyomtatványok a Magyar Országos levéltárból (unknown small prints in the Hungarian State Archives from the 17th century)); Retrieved June 3, 2011