Franz Jürgen Soltau

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Franz Jürgen Soltau (born August 27, 1847 in Flensburg , † April 30, 1911 in Ratzeburg ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran pastor and Lauenburg superintendent based in Ratzeburg from 1887 to 1911.

Professional background

After his ordination in 1872, Soltau was first preacher and from 1873 pastor in Toestrup ( fishing ). From 1880 to 1887 he held the office of provost of Südangeln before he went to Ratzeburg on February 4, 1887 as chief pastor to St. Petri .

Shortly afterwards, on February 27, 1887, he was appointed superintendent for Lauenburg and held this office until his death in 1911. During his term of office in 1887, the end of the Kulturkampf fell and with it the final transfer of school supervision from the church to the state.

See also


  • Friedrich Hammer : Directory of the pastors of the Schleswig-Holstein regional church 1864–1976 , Neumünster: Wachholtz o. J., p. 366.
  • Eckardt Opitz (Ed.): Biografisches Lexikon Herzogtum Lauenburg , Husum 2015, p. 363 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Hammer Directory, p. 366.
predecessor Office successor
Albert Robert Brömel Superintendent of the Lauenburg district of the Ev.-Luth. Lutheran Church in Schleswig-Holstein
1887 - 1911
Theodor Valentiner