Franz Joseph Lauth

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Franz Joseph Lauth , also: Franz Josef Lauth , (born February 18, 1822 in Arzheim , † February 11, 1895 in Munich ) was a German educator, orientalist and specialist author.


Franz Josef Lauth was born as the son of the farmer Franz Joseph Lauth and his wife Barbara, née Siener, in Arzheim, today a district of Landau in the Palatinate . He was married to Fanny, nee Lingen; the marriage resulted in a daughter.


After attending the Royal Bavarian Latin School and grammar school in Landau, he studied classical philology at the University of Munich from 1842 to 1845 and was also the tutor of Emil Schlagintweit, son of the Munich ophthalmologist Joseph Schlagintweit . After the teaching qualification, initially a teacher at the Latin School in Kusel , he was transferred to the Latin School of the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich for the school year 1849/50 . From 1853 to 1856 he also worked as a repetitor of the Latin language at the Munich Cadet Corps . Promoted to grammar school professor in 1856, he taught at grammar school from 1856/57 until the end of the school year 1862/63. From 1863 to 1865 he went on a study trip to several Egyptian collections in Europe. In October 1865 he was transferred to the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich as a high school professor ; his request to extend a leave of absence that was already in progress was rejected. As a result of a second request, now for “leave for an indefinite period due to impaired health conditions”, he was granted a 6-week vacation, which was extended until the end of the summer half of 1866. On October 1, 1866, he began teaching at the Maximiliansgymnasium. Already on leave at the turn of the year 1868/69 due to illness, he was retired on April 1, 1869 with full salary. At the same time he was appointed honorary professor for Egyptology at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Munich.

Scientific activity

On the occasion of his publication on the Germanic rune futhark , Lauth received the "Golden Medal" from Duke Maximilian in Bavaria in 1857 and thus access to the library of Ludwig I and the royal collections of Egyptian objects. During his study trip from 1863 to 1865 he visited the Egyptian collections in Vienna, Trieste, Rome, Florence, Paris, London and Leiden (there especially the papyri); In 1865 he was awarded the "Great Golden Medal" for his studies on the Zodiac Circle of Dendera and the priest Manetho . After completing his teaching activities, he was appointed curator of the Egyptian collection in Munich and honorary professor of Egyptology. In 1872/73 he traveled to Egypt and stayed in Cairo, Alexandria and Luxo. He described his impressions in “Egyptian Travel Letters” in 1873 in the “Allgemeine Zeitung Augsburg”, his rambling popular articles, including in the newly founded “ Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Alterthumskunde ” or the “Literarisches Rundschau”, were increasingly dissolving Criticism off. In 1882 he resigned from his offices.

Memberships and other honors

Lauth was, among other things, a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (1866 extraordinary; 1875 ordinary), from which he resigned in 1882, and a member of the "German Oriental Society". In 1872 he was awarded the Knight's Cross First Class of the Royal Order of Merit of St. Michael .

Fonts (selection)

  • The birth of Minerva on the Cospian bowl. Etymological-mythological treatise , in: Annual report on the k. Wilhelmsgymnasiums in Munich 1852. Munich 1852.
  • The complete universal alphabet. Tried to build on the physiological-historical basis of the Hebrew system. Self-published, Munich 1855.
  • The Germanic rune fudark, critically developed from the sources and, along with some monuments, explained for the first time: a linguistic contribution to the oldest cultural history of the European Central People. Self-published, Munich 1857.
  • About the heterosexual zodiac. Letter from Mr. Lauth, Prof. at the Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Munich, to Mr. Dr. Brugsch in Berlin , in: Journal of the German Oriental Society, Volume 17, No. 2, 1863. pp. 358–361.
  • Les zodiaques de Denderáh. Mémoire où l'on établit que ce sont des calendriers commémoratifs de l'époque gréco-romaine. Avec 7 planches, dont 2 coloriées. C. Wolf et fils, Munich 1865.
  • Explanatory directory (catalog raisonné) of the monuments of Egyptian antiquity located in Munich. Wolf & Sohn, Munich 1865.
  • Manetho and the Turin King's Papyrus: compared with each other, with monuments and other documents, and critically examined. Wolf & Sohn, Munich 1865.
  • About enigmatic dating , in: Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 3, 1865.
  • Julius Caesar , in: Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 3, 1865.
  • The seven-day mourning for Osiris / * Three New Years celebrations / * The Egyptian Decade , in: Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 4, 1866.
  • Homer and Egypt , in: Program of the K. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich at the end of the school year 1866/67. Straub, Munich 1867.
  • About the Egyptian origin of our letters and numbers , in: Session reports of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 2, F. Straub, Munich 1867, pp. 84-124. Digitized .
  • Moses the Ebraeer, based on two Egyptian papyrus documents in hieratic font. Wolf, Munich 1868.
  • Variants of hotep , in: Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 6, 1868.
  • The historical results of Egyptology. Lecture at the public meeting of the k. Academy of Sciences held on March 20, 1869 for the preliminary celebration of its one hundred and tenth foundation days. Publishing house of the K. Academy, Munich 1869.
  • Papyrus Prisse, 4 parts in one volume. 1: The author Kadjimna 5400 years ago, 2: About Chufu's building and book, 3: Prince Ptahhotep about old age (de senectute), 4: Ptahhotep's ethics (moral rules). Academic printing press by F. Straub, commissioned by G. Franz, Munich 1869/70.
  • The Pianchi stele, from the essays of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XII, 1, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1870.
  • (with Wilhelm von Christ): Guide through the Royal Antiquarium in Munich. G. Franz, Munich 1870.
  • Egyptian treatises in separate prints 1–6. Munich 1874–1877.
  • A new text by Cambyses, from the essays of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XIII, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1875.
  • Alexander in Egypt, from the essays of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XIV, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1876.
  • Egyptian chronology is based on the complete series of epochs from Bytes-Menes to Hadrian-Antonine through three full Sothis periods = 4380 years. Munich 1877.
  • Troja's epoch, from the essays of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XVIII, 2, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1877.
  • Busiris and Osymandyas, from the treatises of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XVIII, 3, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1878.
  • From Egypt's prehistory, Volume 1, from the treatises of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XVIII, 3, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1878.
  • From Aegyptens Vorzeit, Volume 2: The historical periods, Volume 3: The Middle Kingdom: Dyn. XII – XVIII, Volume 4, Volume 5. Hofmann, Berlin 1880.
  • Siphthas and Amenmeses , from the treatises of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XV.2, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1879.
  • Moses-'Hosarsyphos-Sali'hus, Levites-A'haron frater, Ziporah-Debariah conjux, Miriam-Bellet soror, Elisheba-Elizebat fratria, ex monumento inferioris Aegypti per ipsum Mosen abhinc annos MMMCD dedicato nunc primum in lucem ptotraxit. Trübner, Strasbourg 1879.
  • The Phoenix period , from the essays of the KB Academy of Sciences, philos.-philol. Classe, Vol. XV.2, Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1880.
  • Pyramid texts , in: The Egyptian chronology against the historical criticism of Mr. Alfred von Gutschmid (from the meeting reports of the Academy of Sciences in Munich), Verlag der K. Akademie, Munich 1882, pp. 269–326.

Archival material

  • Lauth, J., Dr., Bavarian professor of Egyptology, research on the astronomical monuments of the ancient Egyptians. 1864. 9 images. Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Legation Paris 1–3, (signature: Legation Paris 11042).
  • Lauth, Johann, Dr., university professor in Munich: 12 handschr. Letter (pictures) 1872. Legation of the Papal Chair 1 (signature: BayHStA, Legation of the Papal Chair 2302).
  • Estate Hermann Joseph Lauth 1, 1849 to 1872, official documents: Munich, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv ( )

Contains: Commendation and announcement of the transfer by the government of the Palatinate, 1849; Permission to advance the study teacher Lauth from the II. To the III. Class at Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Munich, 1854; Permission to advance from the III. in the fourth class, 1858; Permission for the edition of the “Aegyptica of the Royal United Collections” by King Ludwig I, 1865; Granting of the 3rd seniority allowance for the high school professor Lauth at the Maximilian-Gymnasium Munich, 1866; Transfer of the function of curator of the Egyptological collection to the Royal General Conservatory of the State's Scientific Collections, 1869; Appointment as curator by King Ludwig II, 1872.

Contains: Appointment as associate member of the Academy of Sciences, 1866; Granted an audience by King Ludwig II, 1872; Award of the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Royal Order of Merit of St. Michael to the Honorary Professor of the University of Munich, 1872; Appointment as a full member of the Academy of Sciences.


  • Dieter Kessler: “Lauth, Franz Joseph” in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 13 (1982), p. 741 f. [Online version]; URL: .
  • Klaus Kremb: The Lord of the Necropolis. The Egyptologist Franz Joseph Lauth (1822–1895) , in: Die Pfalz, born 64. Palatinate in the Bavarian Academy of Sciences 2. 2013.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. mentioned ("Ackersmann"): Supplement to the official and intelligence sheet of the Rhine district, No. 1, January 4, 1831, p. 298
  2. Directory of students and subjects taught at the Königl. Bayer. Latin school in Landau in the Rhine district 1836: 1st lower class
  3. Directory of the teaching staff and all students at the royal. Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in the two semesters of the academic year 1842/43. Munich 1843, p. 23
  4. ^ Emil Schlagintweit on the hundredth birthday. By EF Hofmann, Munich ( )
  5. Peter Kefes: The teachers of the Wilhelmsgymnasium 1834/35 - 1942/43 ( )
  6. 1869 function; Appointed in 1872
  7. ?
  8. Directory of the current members of the German Oriental Society in alphabetical order, in: Journal of the German Oriental Society, Volume 25, No. 4, 1871, p. XXXVII